Chapter 25: Impatience

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 I fell asleep on the long car ride home and only woke up when dad pulled up to Jacob's house. He must have dropped Carlisle and Emmett off back home, because they were no longer in the car when I woke up. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands and sat up in the front seat. 

"Hey, your mother is going to come by tomorrow. She knows that you don't want to leave Jacob's side, but she still has a desire to test whether or not you have shield capabilities." Dad said, glancing over at me. I yawned slightly and nodded, still trying to gather my thoughts. My stomach was so full as I'd hunted at least three more bears and a dozen dear before we left the mountain. I felt more tired than I'd ever felt in my life. 

"That's fine. I still think she's wrong though." I said, sleepily. I couldn't imagine myself being a shield. I'm already lucky enough to have two special abilities, I think expecting three is a little bit much. 

"It's worth a shot." He smiled encouragingly. 
"Now go on inside and get some sleep. I can tell you're exhausted." 

"Alright, I love you dad." I smiled, opening the door and getting out of the car.

"Love you, Ness. Call us if you need anything or if anything happens." He instructed. I nodded and waved goodbye as I walked up the porch and into the house. The wooden door creaked as I slowly pushed it open. 

"He's still out like a light." Seth said, sitting on the kitchen counter in the warm yellow glow of the kitchen light while eating a large plate of eggs. 

"God do you ever stop eating?" Leah scrunched her nose up at him as she took a long drink of the glass of water in her hand. 
"How was the hunt?" She smiled warmly at me. 

"Very satisfying. I'm exhausted." I laughed, pulling my jacket off and tossing it over the back of the couch. 

"I'm glad. Well, Seth and I should be heading home. Will you be okay here tonight? I know Jacob really isn't in any position to protect you if that asshole comes back." Leah frowned at me from the kitchen. I could tell that she was worried.

"I'll be okay, you both need to go home and get some sleep." I smiled warmly. She gave me a long look of contemplation before finally sighing and giving in. 

"Call, if you need anything." She said walking over and giving me a tight hug. I hugged her back and gave Seth a quick hug as well.

 I stood on the porch and watched their silhouettes disappear into the thick trees, all the while scanning the woods around the house for any signs of River being near. The night was blanketed in silence and everything seemed normal. Once Seth and Leah were out of sight, I stepped inside and locked the door behind me. I knew that if River wanted to get in, a locked door wouldn't stop him. But somehow, it gave me an impossibly silly sense of safety. 

 I quietly walked into the bathroom, carefully trying not to wake Jacob as I turned the shower on. I tried to make my shower as fast as I could, but the hot water relaxed my body so much that I couldn't help but stand there as it poured down on me. The water eventually turned cold, prompting me to get out. I toweled my hair dry and didn't bother getting dressed. I just tossed on one of Jacob's t-shirts and walked into the bedroom. 

"Well, hello." He said, his voice smooth yet rough and deep at the same time. He looked better than earlier, but still pretty banged up. His morphine drip was still going steady and his wounds seemed to be rapidly healing. 

"You should be sleeping." I smiled, walking over and sliding into the bed next to him. I tried not to touch him, afraid that I might potentially hurt him more. 

"I was, I just woke up actually. How was the hunting trip?" He asked, grunting slightly as he bent his head down to kiss my forehead gently. My heart fluttered and I had to remind myself that he had asked a question. 

"Uneventful, unless you count me grossly over-eating just so I don't have to leave your side." I giggled, carefully nuzzling my head into his chest. His warmth transferred to me easily and I felt completely serene and at peace. 

"You don't have to do that, babygirl. I can take care of myself." He whispered, playing with my hair. The rarely used nickname sent the best type of chills down my spine and I bit my bottom lip as my cheeks blushed bright red.

"I don't have to do it, I wanted to do it. And yes, I'm sure you can take perfect care of yourself right now." I laughed, glancing up at him. He gazed down at me intensely, his eyes lingering on the redness in my cheeks. 

"You're so beautiful, especially when you blush. I guess I've never noticed you do that around me before." He whispered, running his thumb against my bottom lip. 

"I love you." I whispered, my voice slightly raspy as the intensity of the moment settled into my stomach heavily. 

"I love you so much more, babygirl." He said in his deep voice, clearly testing the nickname out once more. He truly wasn't being fair. Warmth flooded to my cheeks once more which earned a large grin from him. 

"When do you assume you'll be back on your feet again?" I smiled deviously which made him chuckle and look up at the ceiling. 

"Why? Is there something you're looking forward to?" He asked innocently. He really did pull off the innocent act well, but I knew better. I knew him better.

"I think you are quite aware of what I might be looking forward to." I laughed. He smiled and shook his head. 

"I'll be up and walking around before you know it, love." He said, crashing his lips against mine passionately. I kissed back gently, afraid that I might hurt him. If there is one thing that is absolutely for sure, these next few days of him being incapacitated are going to be pure torture. 

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