Chapter 15: Shift

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 I woke up to the sunlight shining relentlessly through the small and dusty window located in Jacob's room. My eyes fluttered open as I took in my surroundings. A bunch of wildflowers sat in a vase on the bedside table with a note propped up against them. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up in the small bed as I reached for the note. 

The pack called an emergency meeting, apparently they saw something. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but in the meantime just stay at the house. I love you. - Jake

Hmm... that's odd. Jacob has never been the type to tell me what to do. I understand him telling me to stay home is just him trying to keep me safe, but it's just not like him. He says that it's nothing, but I don't think he would tell me to stay home if it was truly nothing. Ah, screw it. I'm reading into this way too much. I sighed heavily and tossed the note back on the bedside table. 

 Well, I definitely am not staying here all day. After all, I had plans to go grocery shopping. I could just run down to the little reservation store. It's not even a whole mile from here so I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I stood up and walked over to the floor length mirror to assess my appearance. My hair was tangled and I was still wearing his shirt and the leggings from last night. I don't even recall coming home so I must have fallen asleep on the beach with him. The thought of last night sent warm sensations up my spine. I'm his and he is mine. How absolutely beautiful. 
 I turned around and made my way towards the small bathroom across the hall from his room. I tugged a brush through my hair and made a mental note to go home today and bring some of my clothes here, plus I had to face my family at one point. I quickly washed my face and got dressed in a black tee, dark jeans, and lace up combat boots. The sound of the door opening and Jacob groaning in frustration caught my attention. I peeked my head out of the bathroom to see him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. His muscles were tensed and he seemed at a loss. Something is most definitely going on. 

"Jake?" I asked softly. His eyes flashed up to meet mine and for a moment it seemed as though I could see a hint of anger in them. Not directed at me but more so directed at whatever had happened before he walked in the door. 
"Is everything okay?" I added as I walked towards him. He sat back on the couch to make room for me to sit across his lap. 

"Yes, everything is fine." He sighed as he twirled a piece of my hair between his fingertips. 

"I don't believe you." I didn't even take time to think the words through, I just spoke on pure instinct. Knowing Jacob for so long made me very talented at being able to tell when he was lying. And right now he was telling the biggest lie I'd ever seen him tell. He sighed and sat up, moving me off of his lap and onto the couch next to him. I couldn't hide my hurt expression and he noticed it almost instantly because he placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed softly in a reassuring manner. 

"A few new pack members are just giving me a run for my money. Training puppies is hard." He smiled sheepishly. He's still lying but at this point I know that I'm not getting anymore information out of him. 

"Okay, you'll tell me when you're ready." I sighed standing up and reaching for my keys. He got to them before I did and grasped them in his hand. He had a haunting look in his eyes that seemed to be pure and unfiltered fear. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder. 

"What are you doing?" He asked quickly. I narrowed my eyes at him in confusion with the tiniest hint of annoyance. 

"I need to go get clothes from home and then I was going to go grocery shopping. I am allowed to do that, correct?" I snapped. His face softened and he handed me the keys with an apologetic expression captivating his face.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled. I always hated to be mean or snarky with him because he had this sad puppy dog look in his eyes whenever I was. No pun intended.

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