Chapter 11: Jacob's POV

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 I sat alone on Carlisle's private jet, okay maybe I wasn't completely alone, but it felt that way. The others were engaged in conversation among themselves as they began planning a method of attack for when we land. Alice was trying to focus on whether or not Nessie was still alive and watching her come up with nothing so many times made my chest ache so badly that I had to walk away. 

 My pack was also on their way to Volterra and would meet us when we finally made landfall. Over the years I'd accumulated around 30-40 new pack members and I was the alpha to all of them. Sam stopped shifting so that he could grow old with Emily. They'd had two children and he was a lot older now, but he still tried to help out the best that he could. I tried not to bother him though, I wanted him to have as normal of a life as he could now. He'd earned it. I knew he'd be mad at me for not telling him what was going on, but I didn't care. The less possible casualties the better. 

"Hey, Jake?" The blonde one asked looking over at me. I glanced over and she gave me a soft smile which was widely unusual for her, she usually preferred to taunt me with any chance that she got. "She's going to be okay. We are going to get her." She nodded. I could tell that she believed what she was saying, but as for me? I wasn't so sure. 

 I rested my head against the back of the seat and sighed. I'd barely slept since Nessie left, I couldn't bring myself to rest when I didn't know whether or not she was okay. It felt selfish to relax when I knew she was most likely being tortured. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to erase the mental image of her writhing in pain.

"Jacob, I love you..."

 Her smooth voice sounded strained, but it floated across my subconscious beautifully. I jumped out of my seat and gasped for air. The others rushed to me quickly as I breathlessly looked around in confusion. It sounded like she was here, right next to me. 

"Jacob, what's wrong?" Carlisle asked with a worried expression. He had gotten to me first and was standing directly in front of me. I'd never admitted it, but he had always been my favorite. I looked at his pleading eyes and questioned whether or not they would think I was crazy if I told them I heard her voice. God, I've finally lost it. But it seemed so real. 

"I heard her, she sounded different but I know it was her." The words spilled out of my mouth quickly as I tried to make sense of what had happened. I kept my eyes on him to gauge his response, but he didn't look at me like I was crazy. None of them did. Bella and Edward stood hand in hand, their faces twisted with worry and pain. They were hanging onto my every word with pure hope that this meant that their daughter was still alive.

"Has she ever spoken to you in your mind before?" Alice asked, I glanced over at her and she stood close to me with an inquisitive look on her face. I ran a hand through my hair and tried to scour my brain. Suddenly an old Quileute legend floated across my mind and I felt stupid for not realizing it sooner. 

"There's a legend among my people, but I've never heard of it happening recently. Two people linked through the bond of imprinting can always communicate with each other if they focus hard enough, but it takes years of practice. How would Nessie even know that I could hear her?" I said quickly, as though talking faster would make the answers come faster. I needed answers. I felt as though one more moment of uncertainty would make me explode. 

"Maybe she didn't know you could hear her. But this is good news, it means she's alive. What did she say?" Bella asked. I glanced over at Edward feeling slightly awkward. It was never going to get easier, this relationship between us. I used to be in love with his wife and now I'm in love with his daughter. But in all fairness, Edward has become extremely accepting of me over the years and treated me like an equal instead of the enemies we were born to be. Even when I involuntarily imprinted on his daughter.

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