Chapter 7: Hunting

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 River followed closely behind me as I drove towards Alice and Jasper's house. The road wound carefully through thick trees, taking us further and further from any real civilization. Alice had said that the closest neighbor would be quite a distance away, and now I could see just how right she was. 

 The long drive gave me time to collect myself and turn over the details of what had happened back at the house in my head. We didn't kiss if that's what you're wondering. We just kind of stared at each other. It's not that I wouldn't have kissed him or didn't want to. He just randomly smiled and picked my bags back up from the floor, and took them to his car leaving me completely dumbfounded. If he would've leaned in to kiss me I can confidently say that I would've met him halfway. But it felt wrong and I kept feeling that sense of wrongness tugging me back down to earth. 

 The way I felt around River confused me beyond belief. Something has always seemed off about how I am or who I am when I'm around him, but I can't explain it. All I know is that I'm not myself. But when he's near, all of that fades away. Maybe it's Jacob. Maybe the imprint is breaking. Oh who am I kidding? That doesn't happen. That's quite possibly the most irrational conclusion I could've drawn.

 I was so lost in my thoughts that I barely noticed as we turned up the rocky driveway to Alice's beautiful stone cottage. It was surrounded by lush gardens and white rose bushes. I could see a field of fruit trees and beautiful scenery to my left, and a large lake to my right. Directly behind the house were woods so thick it seemed like it was still night-time within them, even though the sun was shining brightly here in this secluded oasis. 

 I parked near the ornate front door and got out of the car, smiling as I smelled the aromatic scents that wafted in the air around me. River was still pulling up the driveway as I walked to the front door and reached upwards, standing on my tip toes trying to reach the key that rested atop the door frame. Finally I caught it between my fingers and pulled it down. It was a pretty key with the family crest etched upon it. Instinctively I tugged at my little silver chain with the crest resting elegantly upon it. I miss home so much. 

 I swallowed the lump in my throat and pushed the key into the door handle. I turned the key and listened for the mechanical click that told me I was in. The door opened softly, revealing a small and cozy living room. The walls were a light gray and the floors were a complimentary white hardwood. A plush sofa sat at the center of the room in front of a television and bookshelves lined the walls. A tiny kitchen was off to my right along with a rustic dining room table. The only bedroom was off to my left and was beautifully decorated with potted plants, a large bed, and double doors that led directly out to the garden. 

"What a beautiful little place. Much different than your previous abode." River's voice came from behind me as I glanced into the bedroom. I jumped slightly as he took me by surprise. "Sorry for frightening you. I seem to do that often." He chuckled, setting my bags down on the bed. 

"Don't apologize." I smiled sweetly. "I've always been jumpy."

"And why is that?" He asked with his head cocked to the side innocently. "I'm sorry. It must feel like I'm prying but I cannot contain my curiosity. You seem so... human."

I shuffled on my feet slightly as I rested my back against the hallway wall and scoured my brain for some way to avoid this conversation. After my original encounter with the Volturi I'd been hesitant to tell anyone my story. The only people who knew about me were my family and the wolves and vampires who were prepared to fight with us when the Volturi threatened my family and I's lives. The few friends I had made also knew, hence Ty and Candace. 

"I'll opt to hold on to my mysteriousness for a little longer. But if you're lucky, maybe I'll tell you one day." I mumbled, my back still pressed to the wall. 

"And that day isn't today?" he asked closing in the distance between us until he was directly in front of me again. His hands slowly made their way onto the walls on either side of me. 

"Afraid not." I said, my voice taking on a slight rasp. He smirked, leaning down as though he were going to kiss me. I almost leaned in until a moment of clarity thrashed through my body like a tornado. 

"River, I'm sorry but I don't want you to get the wrong idea." I had strategically ducked underneath his arms and was now standing in the small living room, looking nervously at him as he stood in the hallway with a hurt expression on his chiseled face. 

"I'm sorry." He said, looking dumbfounded. "You must already have a mate." He concluded, confusion still clear on his face. 

"I do not have a mate." I nearly growled. His face twisted into an unrecognizable expression. It looked like he was focusing really hard on trying to control something, his emotions maybe? Who knows? All I know is how angry I was at him assuming that I had a mate. God I hated that word. 

"Then what seems to be the problem?" He asked, resulting in me rolling my eyes, he truly must not be used to rejection. 

"Is it so hard to believe that I am only interested in a friendship?" I asked, crossing my arms. 

Good girl. Jacob's voice floated smoothly through my head, making me nearly jump but luckily I held my composure. Desire for Jacob flitted throughout my body, I hadn't heard his voice in awhile and that little taste of it made me want to run back home. 

"I'm sorry, truly. I believe I had the wrong idea. Friends?" River asked, seeming sincere as he walked towards me with his hand out to shake my hand. I looked at it skeptically and then back up at him. 

"Friends." I finally said after a long moment of contemplation. I grasped his hand in mine and shook it softly before letting go. "Now are you hungry? Because I am absolutely starving." I laughed, eyeing the woods behind the house. 

"Starving." He repeated with a smile. This smile was different. More friendly as opposed to romantic and I was more comfortable that way. 

 I nodded, opening the backdoor and stepping out into the bright sunlight. River followed me deep into the woods before I finally stopped and lifted my nose to smell the air that was dancing around us in the breeze. A black bear, two actually. Perfect. They rarely come towards Georgia but I guess we got lucky today. 

"Follow me." I instructed, glancing behind me. River nodded with skepticism clear in his eyes, but he followed nonetheless. I could hear the gentle flow of the river from which the bears were fishing at, the slight growls under their breath and the way their heavy paws splashed in the water and dug into the mud. Emmett would be jealous. I giggled to myself and kept stalking forward. 

 I finally reached a very tiny opening in the thick trees and the large bears were now in full view. One had a fish in its mouth and the other still seemed to be trying to find one. They were completely oblivious to our presence. 

"You take the one in the water, I'll take the other one." I whispered. "Now." 

 I pounced through the air and jumped onto the large bears back. I made it quick, I hated to make the poor animal suffer. River took his down with ease and we both drank in silence. Once done, I stood up and walked towards the water to wash my face. 

"That was interesting." River said finally, washing his hands in the water. "So you never drink human blood?" He asked finally, sitting on the soft ground beside the water. I sat next to him but made sure to keep my distance. 

"No. My family and I consider ourselves vegetarians. I know it's a messed up analogy, but it works." I chuckled, pulling my knees up to my chest. 

"I think its... cool." He said smiling over at me. The sun glinted off of his skin beautifully as he ran a hand through his hair. "I've never met anyone like you. I mean that in the friendliest way possible." He laughed, putting his hands up defensively. I playfully shoved his shoulder and laid back against the soft ground, basking in the warm sunlight. I felt the air around me shift as he did the same. 

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