Chapter 28: Lovely

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The darkness of our bedroom was the first thing that greeted my tired eyes when they finally opened again. My head throbbed dully and it felt like I had been run over by a truck. I sat up slowly and looked around for any signs of Jacob but I couldn't see him. He must be in the kitchen. I stretched my arms over my head and yawned. I should definitely go let him know I'm okay.

I got up and walked towards the bedroom door, slowly cracking it open and making my way into the kitchen. The smell of doughnuts caught my attention. Jake had his back turned to me as he sprinkled sugar onto them, he seemed lost in thought and I don't even really think he noticed me leave our room.

"Those smell delicious. What did I do to deserve that?" I smiled, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. I inhaled the rich scent of his cologne and smiled, resting my forehead against his spine.

"I figured I hadn't made these for you in awhile." He smiled, twirling around to face me. I looked up at him with a smile but it quickly faded when I saw his facial expression. He looked tired, stressed, and absolutely worn out.

"Hey-" I whispered, placing my hands on either side of his face. I stood on my tiptoes to be more level with him, but I inevitably was still much shorter than he was.
"I'm okay. You seem so stressed, I didn't mean to frighten you, I was probably just exhausted and overworked." I whispered, staring into his deep brown eyes. Something about looking at him always made me feel warm and complete.

"We need to talk." He said, breaking our eye contact as he stepped to the side and out of my arms. My face fell as panic rose in my chest. What could have possibly happened? He seemed to sense my panic because he held his hand out to me and gave me a reassuring smile. The yellowish light in the kitchen only made his dark circles seem more prominent and pronounced.

"Take a walk with me?" He asked, a look of desperation in his eyes. He looked like he'd been crying, or at least been close to it. I was definitely panicking now. Something serious had to be going on for him to act like this.

"Jake, you're scaring me." I said, my voice trembling slightly. He immediately pulled me against his chest and hugged me tightly.

"Don't be scared. Everything's alright." He whispered into my hair as he rubbed my back softly. I took a deep breath and nodded. He held onto me for a few moments before pulling away again. I put my jacket and shoes on quickly, anxious to get to where he wanted to go.

He led me out of the front door and into the woods, not speaking the entire time. Branches and twigs crunched beneath our feet in the deafening silence of the night. It was so quiet that I could hear everything within fifty miles of us. I didn't need to ask where we were going, I already knew. We were going to 'our' spot. The little stretch of sand and ocean that we've grown to call our own. The walk went by quickly, maybe because we were both in a rush to reach our destination.

When we exited the woods I could see a thick plaid blanket laid out on the moon-washed sand next to a bright red and orange bonfire made from driftwood. He must have been out here earlier and put that there. I followed his lead and sat down on the blanket with him. I pulled my knees up to my chest and focused my gaze on his gorgeous face. He stared at the large waves that were aggressively crashing against the shore and bit his bottom lip. I waited for him to say something and just when I thought he wasn't going to speak, he cleared his throat.

"Renesmee, have you ever thought about children?" He asked, glancing over at me and carefully analyzing my expression and reaction. I was taken aback a bit.

"Like in general, or you and I?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Us." He whispered, his gaze drilling into mine. He took a deep shaky breath as he awaited my answer. I thought for a moment and looked out at the water trying to gather my thoughts. Kids? Wow. I'd always wanted to be a mother but it was something I never mentioned because it's impossible.

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