Chapter 17: Abilities

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"So what do you think it means?" I asked dad as I looked over at him in curiosity. He'd looked elated ever since we left the house and he couldn't seem to hide the large grin on his face. I gazed out of the window and watched as the forest darted past the car at record speed.

"I think I've been right all along. You're so different and so I wondered if maybe you'd have more than one special ability. I first suspected it when we were on the plane to come get you from Volterra. You and Jacob had a mental conversation, do you remember that?" He asked. I hadn't remembered until he spoke the words and suddenly I flashed back to being in that dark and desolate prison they had been keeping me in. I remembered the desperation I felt as I cried out Jacob's name. I thought I'd imagined it. I was so sure that it was all some sort of dream or mental breakdown that I was having.

"That really happened?" I couldn't hide the shock that was taking over my voice as I hastily analyzed this new information. How would that even be possible? Dad glanced over at me and nodded quickly, anxiously preparing to launch into another paragraph of rushed words.

"Yes, and it was quite a relief to us as well because we knew you were okay. Jacob mentioned that imprinted lovers can communicate with one another mentally but for me it felt different. I had a feeling there was much more to it." He explained, his words racing and overlapping one another.
"So Alice and I have been talking, and we've come to the conclusion that you most likely can read minds like I do, but unlike me I think you can only read them if you want to read them. You can also allow the person whose mind you are reading to communicate back with you, hence why you and Jacob could have a conversation with just your thoughts."

"And how on earth did you come to that conclusion?" I asked in astonishment.

He glanced over at me and looked slightly embarrassed.
"That is why we are going to Port Angeles. We are meeting Alice there. She left this morning to further her research since we are pretty sure you are the first person with this particular gift. Did you not realize she was gone?" He asked. I shrugged. I hadn't noticed much when Jacob and I had arrived at the house. All I remember was how angry I was at him for saying something so hurtful to me.

"Honestly dad I was really focusing the majority of my energy on not ripping Jake's head off." This earned a loud laugh from him as he kept his hands on the steering wheel and scanned the road carefully with a quick glance. 

"And speaking of Jacob! If I could read minds why couldn't I read his to figure out what the big secret is?" I practically groaned in frustration as I looked out of the window.

"Nessie, I don't quite think it's like that. I think you and him share a vulnerable connection built on trust, so subconsciously reading his mind would be a symbol of mistrust on your part. Or at least that's what I think you think subconsciously." I couldn't deny that his words were probably and most likely completely true. I have always trusted Jacob more than anyone else I've ever known, and usually I understand that if he doesn't tell me something it's for a reason. But he doesn't get to make that decision for me if it's something serious.

"Alright, and what does Alice have to do with any of this?" I asked as curiosity tugged at the edges of my already racing mind.

"She and I don't want anyone to know that we are testing this out, your mother included, so we decided to meet further from home. She wants you to test our theory on herself and then on strangers. So we are going to go out to dinner or to a park, somewhere vastly populated, and see the extent of your abilities." He explained. I nodded, for once understanding completely what was going on.

"So did you purposely have me read your mind back at the house?" I asked. He laughed rather loudly which made me assume that my conclusion was correct.

"Not at all, believe it or not. It just so turned out that you did. My theory is that you are more in tune with it when you're agitated or hurt. I just chose to let my mental guard down and see if you just so happened to hear what I was thinking."

"That makes more sense. So someone has to be willing to let me read their mind for it to happen?"

"I think it depends. It's easier if someone is willing, of course. Our family has so many mental walls built up that it's no surprise you've never read ours. And Jacob is Jacob and we all know how hard-headed he is."

"I can't argue with that." I chuckled softly.
"Dad, are you going to tell me why everyone is acting so weird?"

"Jacob is going to be really mad if I do." He sighed, his face suddenly darkening.

"Please. You know I hate being in the dark, and you've never given a damn what he thinks." I pointed out. He took a deep breath and wore an intense look of contemplation.

"Someone bad is here. We have no idea who it is as of yet, only speculation. But we know their intention seems to be to get to you." His words came out in a rush and he looked at me carefully to gauge whatever reaction I might have. I bit my bottom lip and sighed. If it's not one thing it's another, and to be honest I'm not surprised. I must look crazy right now. I hadn't even flinched or given a look of fear or surprise.

"It seems like we can't catch a break." I finally spoke in a detached voice. How silly of me to think that it was really over, that I would finally be given a chance to actually breathe and be happy.

"Hey, you have nothing to worry about. I promise. We've never let anyone hurt you and we don't intend to start now. Jacob is only keeping it from you because he doesn't want you to worry, but you deserve to know. Plus, I think your newfound abilities will prove to be of great use if someone really is here to try to hurt you." He explained as he quickly declined a call from Jacob that was buzzing relentlessly from his phone. I hadn't explained to Jake where I was going and I had honestly just disappeared which I understand isn't fair considering what I've recently put him through.

"What made you decide to tell me before he could?" I questioned. Dad looked lost in thought and for a moment I found myself regretting the question. It probably wasn't easy for him to tell me when he knew it would upset Jacob. 

"Because he didn't. I understand that Jacob wants to protect you, Renesmee. But the only way you can be protected now is by knowing the facts. You aren't a little girl anymore." He sighed. I glanced over and smirked. 
"What?" He asked as he made eye contact with me, looking extremely confused. 

"Nothing, it's just that you've always treated me like a five year old, dad. It's weird to see you actually acknowledging that I've grown up."

"Don't remind me. I had to acknowledge just how much you've grown up when you stayed the night with Jacob last night." He shuddered and laughed. I laughed as well as I simply couldn't help it. Being around dad was such an effortless type of comfort. Much like Alice, I could always be myself around him and not have to fear being judged. 

"Well, thank you for telling me." I said, resting my head against the headrest. 
"So back there when you said you needed to pick up some things for Alice in Port Angeles, that was all a ruse to make the rest of the family believe what you were saying?" I asked. Dad had a guilty look on his face. 

"Yeah, but I don't like not telling them the truth. If your abilities work the way I expect that they will work, we will tell them as soon as we arrive home." 

"Sounds good to me." I almost whispered. 

 I settled into the seat comfortably and looked at the beautiful sky sprawled out in front of us. For once the clouds had disappeared and we were left with a beautiful sunset that threw gorgeous orange and red shadows between the dense trees.
 As we sped towards Port Angeles I couldn't help but get lost within my own mind. What if Alice and dad are thinking far too much of me and my potential abilities? I hate the idea of letting anyone down. Nothing hurts me more than not living up to expectations, although that is a sad truth I don't admit often. I tugged my unruly hair into a ponytail and tried to close my eyes for at least a few moments to give my mind the rest it would need for whatever task Alice would give me to test my new ability, or shall I say potential ability. We have no way of knowing for sure right now if their hypothesis is even correct.

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