Chapter 4

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23 years later ......

"Uncle William for the love of Jesus, I'm just a few minutes away from the house" I was on the phone with uncle for at least an hour.

After living with uncle William for 10 years, at the age of 15 I decided to go to a private school. I had to move in the school and everything, but regardless of that him and Old Nick came around to spend the weekend. Those two wouldn't let me breath a little.

I was picked up by Robert, my best friend slash private driver slash guard. "Little Rose we're here" Robert calls out and I smile at him. After all these years he still calls me like that. "Nice. Thank you Robert" I reply.

I got out of the car and was greeted by the same faces from when I lived here before. Uncle William, Old Nick and all the guards that were assigned to guard the house. I see Old Nick tearing up as always, damn he's sensitive.

"Old Nick why are you crying?" I ask as I came up to him and stopped right in front of him. "You're just so beautiful. God you have grown so much. Can you go back to being five years old?" He looks up at me pouting. "No Old Nick. It's nice being back, I missed you." I hugged him and he hugs me back. Sensitive old man.

I walked over to Uncle William who seem mad, "you're suppose to hug me first." He crosses his arms and looks away, for a mob boss he's so fucking petty and sensitive. I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around his torso, "I missed you Uncle Willy." With that he sighs and hugs me back, he was never able to stay mad at me when I called him uncle Willy.

"Glad to have you back cupcake" he says.

We walked inside the house and again I look around in complete awe . I still find this place absolutely gorgeous.

I walked to my room with all my luggage in hand, I opened the door stared at my old room. It still had the light blue walls with the one wall with the clouds, yet now the room had LED lights running along the walls. It had a huge mirror by the door of the walk in closet.

"You really kept my room the same?" I asked uncle William who was standing behind me, "This will always be your room. The only thing was I moved by room a bit further and turned it into a library for you. I wanted to give you more privacy" this man will be the death of me. I walked to him and embraced him for a hug, "thank you uncle Willy, it's perfect".

"Well let's go you two, we still have to introduce princess to the crew" Old Nick says and I jump in excitement.

Uncle William had me trained by the best assassin of the world, his friend Armando or the so called "dragon". I was trained to fight better than anyone, kill with even a pencil and be sneaky as hell. I loved it, absolutely loved it all. Guess it runs in my blood.

"Oh my god yes! Let's go" I chipper.

When we reach the warehouse, something turns in my stomach, I feel butterflies more like fucking dinosaurs stomping inside me and making my heart all nervous. Walking in, I received glances from everyone.

It made me uncomfortable since I don't like being the center of attention or I just hate people. I'm not very social and I don't exactly enjoy making friends. With this mafia life, I learned that not everybody is your friend and even if they are, their hearts can change in a second.

"Hey we have a few things to solve, stay here and don't break anybody's jaw" uncle William turns to me, I roll my eyes and walk over to the bar. I sit on the stool and order a glass of water, I don't do alcohol or even juice. My thing is water.

When the bartender gives me a cold glass of water, I see a few girls walk in my direction from my peripheral vision. They stop in front of me and their eyebrows arch up.

"Who the fuck are you?" One of them asks.

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