Chapter 48

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Ace's POV

"Italy...why?" Nick questions and just when I was going to answer, Robert beats me to it. "Luna has always wanted to go. It's perfect boss" he says and I nod at him and smile at Nick who rolls his eyes.

"Well then, when do we leave?" Nick asks and I look at the calendar that's taped to my desk. I look to see what events we have during the last week of March and first week of April.

"We can leave tomorrow, since it starts the last week of march and we can come back two days after Luna's and Scarr's birthday" I say and he nods his head.

For a few hours I had forgotten that Luna and Scarr share a birthday. I totally forgot to think of a surprise party for him, that's until I started looking for somewhere to take her, then I reminded myself of his birthday too.

Oh well, that's what he gets for fucking my niece.

Guess I have to call the party planner. Esteban is going to be pissed. (Esteban is the party planner)

"Go start packing, tell your son to pack and I'll tell Luna. I have to call Esteban and make arrangements for him to go there and start planning shit." I say. They both nod and leave the office to go upstairs.

I pick up my phone to call Esteban, I dial his phone number from the business card he gave me and put it against my ear. "Esteban speaking" he says and I sigh. This man's is so annoying, but he's one hell of a good party planner. The best in the business.

"It's me, Ace...I need to tell you about a few changes we're making" I say and he sighs in frustration against the phone. "I already have half the damn thing planned and now you call me!" he yells into the phone and I roll my eyes.

"Esteban LOWER YOUR FUCKING VOICE OR I'LL RIP OUT THAT TONGUE OF YOURS" I threaten him and he stays silent for a few seconds. "That's what I thought" I say and he sighs again.

"If you would have let me talk, I would have told you that it's only minor changes. Instead of decorating for Luna, you'll decorate for Luna AND Scarr. A party for two. Same theme since it's outdoor. Also the party is in Italy." I finish saying what I say and I hear him say "Oh" in a whisper.

"Okay then. Party for two, outdoor theme and Italy. Can you tell me where exactly so I can look at a picture and get ideas from there?" He says and I hum in response. "Lago di Braies" I say and I hang up.

That man is a pain in the ass.

I text Luna to come down to my office and in minutes she's swinging the door open. I sigh and shake my head sideways.

"Sup Uncle" she says and stands behind me to give me a hug. "I have a surprise for you" I say and she stands up straight as if she was a dog who's ear went up in excitement. "I don't like surprises, but yours are always the best....hit me." she says and I chuckle.

"We are going to Italy" I say and the moments the words slip out of my mouth, Luna starts jumping in excitement. " YES, YES, YES! OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO ITALY BITCHES!" she starts to clap and I just look at her in amusement.

For a second I thought about my brother. He was always this excited to go out, he was the adventurous out of the both of us. He never said no, even if it could potentially be the most boring event, he was always ready.

Fernando would've loved her. I think he always did, but because of what we did and who we were, he wanted her out of this life, out of his life. He always had that thought in the back of his head; What if?

WHAT IF we were never meant to be criminals? WHAT IF we had a choice? WHAT IF we were normal? WHAT IF he actually had a chance at having a family without worrying about their safety 24/7? WHAT IF?

Yo espero de que estes orgulloso de ella hermano mío. (I hope you are proud her my brother)

"Te amo tio Willy" (I love you Uncle Willy)

"Yo te amo mucho mas" (I love you even more)

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