Chapter 36

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Scarr's POV

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE?" I had Robert hung up in the air by his collar.

He came running in here yelling "she's gone" all over the fucking place. He started pacing back and forth. When he caught his breath and relaxed, he said "Luna is gone."

The look he had on his face gave me the impression she was in trouble so instantly I was picking him up from the floor and started yelling at him. "She called me from the mall, she sounded like she was running...she said to come here." he explained and I put him down.

Running my hands across my face, I felt panic rise up to me. This doesn't add up, why the fuck was she running?

Ace and my father walked in, they seemed to be running too. "Where the fuck is my niece?" he asked Robert. He looked extremely nervous when Ace poke. "She's gone" I said. Looking down at the floor, I tried to calm down my anger. I was livid, fuming.

The though of her getting hurt consumed me...then the instinct started kicking in. Who was she running from? I thought to myself. I couldn't think about her being kidnap, she would have killed them on sight. She's a fucking assassin.

"What did she said when she called you?" I asked Robert. His gaze turned to mine and took out his phone. "My phone records every phone, hear it." he hands me the phone and I almost feel like breaking it.

If her voice didn't sound like fear, but sounded like she was panicking, it meant something good. I can tell, when she panics it's not exactly her in fear...she's thinking of a plan and she panics because she works best under pressure and her best plans come out naturally.

Knowing this I press play on the recording.

"Robert, I don't have time to talk right now, so I need you to listen to me" she starts saying. By the sound of her voice, I can also tell she was running. My suspicions being correct the moment her voice lingers in my brain.

"Listen, I need you to go to the warehouse and tell Scarr to track my necklace. The one he gave me. Tell him that I won't have my phone with me, so I need him to just track the necklace" and cut. The line went dead and anger lingered through my body again.

"Get Tecno in here!" I yelled. I gave Robert back his phone, knowing I would snap it in half if I kept it. "Why the fuck did you not enter the mall with her?" my dad asks Robert and for a second I'm surprised at the tone he used.

My dad would only show his 'cold' side whenever I got hurt or Ace, this was the first time I saw him like this over Luna. He's always crying around her or because of her. "Sir, she told me to wait in the car. Like Ace orders me to...just in case we have to flee." he explained and carefully watched the expression on Robert's face.

He was sad and guilt was running through him. I walked up to him and smiled a little patting his shoulder, "she did it on purpose. She's planning something, so don't feel was inevitable" I reassure him. He nods and releases a breath he was holding in.

"Boss?" Tecno enters the room with his computer and I motion for him to come in the office. "Track her necklace" was all I said. He then sat down on the couch and started to work.

Ten minutes later he calls me over and shows me the location. There was a red dot moving, Luna's location. What are you planning preciosa?

I started pacing back and forth in the office, trying to figure out what the fuck Luna was planning. I had to start thinking like her instead of like me. We both shared the intelligence when it comes to this type of stuff, but I always planned before something happens not when it's happening and that's why she was better than me. I HONESTLY LOVED IT.

Then something in me clicked.

"She's trying to get kidnapped on purpose. She wants to give us an address and surprise them."

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