Chapter 9

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"Yes you can sweetie" Old Nick reaffirms me and I feel just a little better.

"Are you sure?" I ask him. I'm so insecure that I can't even think highly of myself. I have always doubted my skills even though I know they are perfect.

It's just that when adrenaline pumps through my veins, my work is better and efficient. When I have to sit down and actually think, I crumbled and my insecurities eat me up.

"Yes, now come" Old Nick releases me from the hug and grabs my hands, dragging me back inside into the conference room. We walk by Scarr who's eye are dead set on me. He stops his father from dragging me any further.

"Can I talk to her, dad?" Scarr asks. His voice is so deep and husky it turns you on. I smile as the thought come into mind and quickly brush it off. "Sure. Just bring her back quick" Old Nick answers.

He let's go of my hand and walks back inside. Before he does so, he turns around and winks at me.

"What happened?" Scarr asks me. My head voluntarily snaps towards him and our eyes connect. "I got insecure" I answered. He narrowed his eyes, reading my expression and looking for any type of sign.

"Of what?" he says raising both eyebrows in questioning. I sighed heavily and walked passed him, stopping when I looked up at the moon, which was full tonight.

"The last mission I planned out for Uncle William, he came back with two bullet wounds in his abdomen." I released a breath I didn't think I was holding in. I looked down, resting my head on my hands. "I saw the life slip out of his body and come back. Right in my arms" I admit.

I feel the heat from Scarr's body radiate off of him onto me, "You blame yourself don't you?" he asks. He keeps a safe distance between us, but I didn't want him to. My body was craving the safe feeling he gave me. The peace and the confidence. "yeah, it was my fault" I say.

He turns me around and moves my head up with the tip of his index finger, "It wasn't your fault. Stuff happens like that all the time. We go in thinking one thing and then the next minute, we have to think of something else. It happens" he reassures me and this time it works.

I don't know what is it, but I feel so good around this man. We just met today and it feels like we've known each other. The feeling is good yet scary, I have never experienced this before.

"Now come on dulzura, sonrie" (Sweetie, smile) he says and my frown turns upside down.

He grabs my hand and we walk inside. He releases my hand the moment we step into the conference room he lets go.

It's empty.

"Where did everybody go?" I asked looking at my uncle who seemed uncomfortable. He runs to me and wraps his arms around me, I wrap my arms around his torso and pull him in closer.

"I'm so sorry cupcake. I'm sorry for yelling at you like that, I didn't think and well...I remember last time-" I cut him off. "It's okay. I have to get used to you being the boss, not just my uncle. About last time, it's okay. I don't blame myself anymore" I looked over at Scarr and he nods his head in amusement.

Was he proud or something? No, my mind is just fucking with me.

"I'm glad to help, but you have to promise something" I say releasing myself from his hug and crossing my arms over my chest. "What?" he answers.

"You have to do what WE say, do everything as WE say and think like We think. Okay?" I kept on pointing at Scarr and I every time I said we. My uncle is one stubborn man and he loves to be boss, but when adrenaline kicks in or anger, he becomes stupid and un-logical.

"Fine" he answers and I smile amused.

This will be fun.

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