Chapter 37

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Luna's POV

The three man picked me up from the floor, very roughly I must say. I almost made a sound, but I reminded myself I couldn't or I'll blow my cover.

They placed me inside a van, it looked white. I opened my eyes slightly just to take a peak. The guy that carried me, put me on the back of the van with him and some other dude and then there was the one driving.

"Where are we taking her exactly?" I hear a guy next to me say and for a second I wanted to laugh. He was in charge of kidnapping me but didn't know where to take the damn hostage. "Boss send me the address before we left the warehouse" another a guy answered and due to the proximity of the voice, I guess it was the driver.

I got tired of just sitting in this van like an idiot for at least an hour, so I turned my acting skills on and started to fake that I was gaining conscious.

I wobbled my head and made muffled sounds, indicating I was waking up. "She's waking up" the third man says and I internally roll my eyes. Once my "vision focused", I looked at the three man and laughed.

They all looked at me like I was psychotic, I probably would too if I was a normal girl. "What the fuck is you laughing at?" the man next to me asked.

"You guys...l-lo-look like kids" I answered and continued laughing. One of the guys looks at me and rolls his eyes. "How old are you guys?" I ask and they stay silent. " communication" I say and sit back.

The van comes to a stop and I prepare myself to what ever can happen, but before the door open I'm being hit on the back of head with a gun. This time they successfully managed to knock me out.

Dirty fuckers.

Dark consumes me for at least 5 hours, when I wake up a wave of pain suddenly washes over me. I put my head up, focusing my eyes on the room where I am, I can't even see. Regardless of that, I feel pain on my wrist, I was tied up to a chair. Good thing it was a wooden one. I think.

I hear a click coming from somewhere, a door was being opened. I squint my eyes since the light is blinding my ass. "Damn, if I knew Ace had such a precious daughter, I would have taken you before" a man says and madness surfaces. "Who the fuck are you?" I question.

The man laughs and walks over to me. He stretches his arm above me and I follow his moves. He turns on a light bulb that hangs on top of me and I can finally see his face.

I wanted to throw up. God took his time to make this fucker ugly.

He sits in a chair in front of me and I took this time to see his feature even more. He looked old, maybe Uncle William's age but he looked rougher, in a bad way. His hair looked dirty as shit and his skin did not looked good.

He did have nice lips, but they also looked terrible from how dried they were and they we dark. I'm guessing from smoking. His nose was crooked, looked like he took a few punches. His eyes were brown, round yet narrow. He had bushy eyebrows, yet they're the only thing that he could get complimented for.

I wanted to throw up, not by the disgust I was getting from him but the smell inside this goddamn room. I have to get out...quick.

"See something you like doll?" the man asks and I almost spit on his face. "More like something I don't want to see" I answered and he smacks me across the face. If only it hurt. "What do you want old man?" I ask and he stands up and walks towards the door.

"Your Uncle dead" he says and I almost froze up. I can let him get to Uncle William and he most likely would come here. I have to contact Scarr somehow, I need to.

I could probably beat all this fuckers up, I've done bigger jobs for The Dragon before, how hard could it be now?

"And maybe I can get a piece of you" he says and he runs his hand threw my hair. He then yanks it, tilting my head up to face him. "You have so much to fucking pay for...I'll keep you alive for now" he says and leaves the room.

This might be a bit harder than I thought.

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