Chapter 15

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I can't take it when ever he calls me that. There's something about his thick ass accent that drives me crazy.

We laid in the grass for exactly one hour in pure silence. It wasn't awkward, weird or uncomfortable, it was perfect. The breeze kissed our faces making us snuggle up even more. When a shooting star would pass, I would extend my arm and point to it making him chuckle.

Times like these I cherish the most. I don't have experience with man at all, I am a true virgin to say the least.

You may think I have kissed someone, but no. I have been around attractive man my whole life, specially older attractive man but no one ever crosses that line. It's either, "she's the niece of Ace" or I break someone's arm for trying.

"How?" Scarr ask but me being me I didn't understand what he said, "what?" I say. I sit up while he laid in the grass, I cross my legs to sit more comfortably and he lays down supporting himself with his elbows.

"How did we end up here?" I was honestly dumbfounded. If only I had the answer to that. I shrug my shoulders and just look straight into his eyes.

"When I first saw you, something told me to follow you that day when we met." he starts to talk and all my dumbass could do is smile and look at his eyes, "when I saw you throwing the knives at the target, I felt uneasy. I hated looking at you mad, hurt to say the least. Still today, thinking about it makes me mad."

I start to fidget with my fingers, I know what he means. It's exactly the same emotion I feel whenever Uncle William was stressed or mad and he never let me help. "Why are you hurt?" he finally asks and I feel ever breath in my lungs leave.

"Being adopted isn't exactly all unicorns and rainbow" I say. He grabs my hand and smiles at me, I take that as a "continue", so I did. "When I started going to school the week after Uncle adopted me, the kids bothered me. Even kids that were in the same orphanage as me" I chuckle a bit because it's stupid to say the least.

"My comeback was always 'at least I got adopted' and with that they would leave me alone. But the thing is, that majority of the kids had their parents or at least contact with them....mine were dead" I say as tears start to form in my eyes.

"The insecurity I grew up with was because of my story. Drug addict mother and gang member father didn't want their daughter so they gave her up. I have always waited for the moment Uncle William gave me up" Tears roll down my face uncontrollably and I start to hyperventilate a little.

Scarr sits up and embraces me into a hug and I hug him back tightly. He plays with my hair as a way to calm me down and rubs my back to sooth me. "In the orphanage they always hit me. The kids would play and at the end, I would lay on the ground while they kicked me. No one helped not even the freaking ladies in charge of us." I stop crying and sit back up.

"For so long, I have thought that Uncle William or Old Nick would stop loving me. That they would hurt me, but they never did. My insecurities and anxiety grew up on that, so I decided to get away." He raises an eyebrow in confusion as in 'what do you mean?' and I chuckle a little. He looks cute when he does that.

"When I was 15 I asked Uncle William if I could go away to boarding school or just a private school far from here. When he agreed he told me that I had to continue my training with The Dragon," I already knew that he knew who I trained with. For the last two weeks that's all people in the gang talked about.

"So I did. I left and continued my training. You have no idea how happy I was, not being away obviously, but being a stranger and being judged on who I actually was. Plus, being trained by the most notorious assassin has it's perks" I smile and Scarr chuckles.

"Thank to The Dragon, I gained confidence and gained strength both mentally and physically. I became someone you wouldn't fuck with, but I still showed my emotions" I finish off and Scarr again hugs me, tightly.

"What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"

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