Chapter 41

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Ace called everybody into an emergency meeting.

Everybody has been whispering and muttering things ever since they got here and it doesn't let me focus. I hate working with sound interrupting my thoughts.

"Okay everybody listen to Scarr...this is the most important mission we got so pay attention. Scarr..." my dad announces and everybody shuts up quickly.

I sigh deeply and start talking.

"I need you all to be on your best fucking game. Luna got kidnap and we have to get her back before the Sorentos decide to kill her." I look at everybody straight into their eyes indicating the seriousness of the situation.

"She's not even part of the fucking mafia...why the fuck we have to help her?" somebody says from behind and my blood boils up. Who the fuck?

I walk towards the direction the voice came from, everybody moves out of my way in fear and I stand in front of a girl. I pick her up by her throat, making her gasps for breath.

"Next time you question my orders, I'll put a bullet between your fucking eyes. And for you're information and everyone else's....Luna is your fucking queen. Show some fucking respect bitch" I spat in her face.

I let her go and walk back to where I was, she steadies her breathing and somebody gives her water. "Anyone else want to join her?" I question....silence.

"This is the plan...I would go by myself to the location where she's being held, you guys along with Boss and my father, would wait in a certain location which is two hours away.

I would go in to make sure Luna is alive" I took a deep breath, those words escaping my lips make me cringe and get all flustered just thinking about it.

Lord let her be okay or I swear all hell would break loose.

"If she's in good shape, her and I would fight off most of the Sorentos and if she's not, I'll call you guys in. ONLY COME WHEN I GIVE YOU THE SIGNAL, if you don't follow orders and Luna's safety is put at'll be dead next time you blink. Got it?"

"Yes sir" everybody yells and they go get every equipment needed for the task.

We got everything together in an hour and we're now making sure everything is where it needs to be.

We got one of our vans together with the soldiers assigned to the task. The weapons, specially a few bombs and a blow torch because why not.

"Ready when you are boss" I tell Ace and he nods at me.

"Let's get my niece one piece preferably." I roll my eyes at him.

You better pray to Jesus Christ that a single hair on her isn't touched or that whole place is being burned the fuck down.


I have arrived at Luna's location 10 minutes ago and I'm speaking with Ace through an ear piece. "Hey...everything okay Scarr? How are things going? How's the flamethrower?" he asks and I roll my eyes. "I haven't entered yet, but from the outside seems only like 5 guards and the flamethrower is fine boss." I answer.

I walk to where one of the guards are...I mentally laugh at how young these men look. They look like kids! I snap the guard's neck, killing him on the spot. I don't want to start emptying my gun yet, I don't know how many are inside and I can kill these children with my pinky finger.

I have Luna's gun on my gun holster, making sure it's loaded for her. Hopefully she isn't severely injured.

It's about 3 in the morning and most definitely most of the people would be sleeping or letting their guard down a bit so it's perfect for us to attack.

I creep up to the other 4 guards making sure to be as silent as I can and sneakier than bitch. Once I took them down, I figured out that there's only one entrance. Bad for me and good for them. I mentally curse myself because there's not even a window to jump from.

There's one that's apparently from the basement but you can't see shit from there.

Instead of going through the front door and killing everybody, I decided to go through there because the GPS tracker that had Luna's location was guiding me through there. So if I could skip all the killing and get to her faster, I will.

When I opened the window silently, I heard very low muffled sounds. As if someone was hurt and gaining conscious. I figure that it was a prisoner and knowing that Luna's here, the chances of it being her, are pretty good.

I enter through the window, struggling because that's a small ass window and I'm too damn buff. "Who's there?" I freeze. That voice, I recognize it too much. I can't move, I can't breath, I can't do shit but stare into the darkness.

I close my eyes shut, releasing the breath I was holding in and finally gained back control over my body. I started walking to the middle of the room, as if I can actually see. I bump into something, I used my foot to tap the thing and make sure it's either a table or a chair.

It was a chair. "Turn on the light so I can see you Shrek and stop tapping the fucking chair" I giggle at her word. My baby was here, I found her. I shake my head and I reach up, my finger touching a piece of string.

I pull it, turning on the light immediately and once it does, my eyes go down to see my Preciosa completely covered in blood.

"Luna..." I whisper and she freezes as if she recognized my voice. I was so happy to have her near me, these last few hours have been fucking frustrating and painful. I can feel my heart fill itself with love, love for her.

But the issue is, if I let my anger get the best of me, I would jeopardize the fucking mission because seeing her covered in blood, bruised up every where and on top of that with knife wounds, the devil in me would come out to play and I don't want her to be exposed to it.

" that you? Scarr, estas ahi?" (Scarr, are you there?) she speaks in a low tone, I'm standing behind her so she can't see me and even if she could, she's tied up to the chair by her throat.

The sight makes me groan and grow much more anger than I already have. It kills me inside seeing her like this and in her voice you can tell she's hurt.

I walk around her so that she can see me and I cringe inside at the sight in front me.

Her face is so fucking bruised up that you can barely see any of her beautiful features clearly. Her eyes look dark and hurt. It all just awakens the devil inside.

"Yo estoy aqui preciosa. Vine a llevarte a casa mi amor" (I am here beautiful. I came to take you home my love)

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