Chapter 11

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Luna's POV

2 months later....

For the last two months, Scarr and I have been non stop working on this case. It has honestly brought us closer even though he barely opens up. We haven't really address the elephant in the room, but I'm happy with that. We're going with the flow instead of forcing things.

Doing all of this investigation, finding clues and coming up with ideas along side of Scarr gave me such confidence and relief. I felt like I belonged and like someone finally understood how I process things.

I tried to keep focus as much as I could, I kept on feeling Scarr's gaze on me. I didn't feel creepy or uninviting, it felt great. Having his attention with no effort what so ever was something that attracted me to him even more. His piercing golden eyes looking at me made me feel secure of myself.

It all felt right.

"I found some locations that can be good for the mission." I said as I typed in some locations on the computer. The three of them walked over to me, standing behind the desk chair.

Immediately Scarr's cologne was all I could breath in. I inhaled feeling satisfaction as his cologne danced in my lungs. I shook my head sideways bringing myself out of that thought.

"These are abandoned buildings out of state. We could use these to set a trap big enough to capture both gangs, but small enough so that no trace is left behind." I explained, pointing at the 3D image of the buildings.

"That seems great Luna, but how exactly would we get rid of them? Unless we blow the place up and the fire stays on for at least a week, the police would be able to take out the bodies and identify them" Old Nick comments and before I could answer, Scarr speaks up.

"Actually dad we can do that." a smile is spread across his face, this is his comfort zone as well as mine. He grabs a notebook and a pencil and starts writing and drawing stuff down, "we can somehow make up an excuse to have the leader, next heir, second and third in command, from both gangs. We can find the weak spots as well as the strongest spots and place at least two bombs everywhere. Since it's out of state, it's barely recognizable so we wouldn't have to worry about the police."

I was smiling so much my cheeks started to hurt. I was enjoying a little too much all of this. Watching Scarr and I come up with a plan swiftly and be able to guide each other as well finish each other ideas gave me so much happiness. "We can always go back and get rid of the bodies." he finishes off.

I look at uncle William and Old Nick who are contemplating everything that has been said, "You two make a great team" Uncle William says and I feel heat rise up to my cheeks, "Indeed we do" Scarr says and winks at me which makes me blush even more. "Now we just have to come up with the excuse" Old Nick says.

I stood up and walked over to the white board that Uncle had in his office. "We can contact each gang, make them think that we want to become allies, show them reasonable points of why and what we can trade, share, etc. If one of them accepts the offer than we can move to the next step" I start writing down my ideas making a diagram of the possible outcomes.

"If one of them says yes, we can use them to infiltrate the other gang eventually bringing both down. Make them think that we need them to take the other gang out" Scarr explains exactly what's running through my mind. I smile and point my finger at him "EXACTLY" I say excitedly.

"Now if they both refuse...then we will have to come up with another plan." I say. This time, nothing runs through my mind. I feel like Plan A is perfect, it just couldn't go wrong. But like before, one thing can be planned and another thing could happen so I didn't want to oversee anything.

"Plan B" Scarr says.

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