Chapter 27

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Luna's POV

We arrived at one of Uncle's restaurant, the fanciest one of all.

"You did not have to bring me here you know?" I told Scarr as he opens the passenger door and extends his hands for me to take. As I get out the car I can feel his eyes travel up and down my body. Guess I picked the right dress.

"The queen deserves the best" he answered and I couldn't feel heat rise up to my cheeks. I smile at him and we turn around to face the restaurant.

As we walk up the valet, Scarr hands him the keys and the guy runs to the car to park it. We enter the restaurant and my eyes almost melted at the sight. The restaurant was beautifully designed, I mean mafia man do tend to have very good taste.

"Good night Mr. Diaz. Pleasure seeing you here" the lady at front greeted Scarr and the moment her voice hit my ears, I got aggravated. I took hold of Scarr's arm and leaned closer to his body. She was a little too perky for this damn job. "Our table" was all Scarr said and she nodded.

"Don't have to be possessive Preciosa. No one can take me away from you" Scarr whispers in my ear as we walk towards the back of the restaurant to a booth. "Yeah, but the bitch is a little too perky" I say and I hear him chuckle. "Here you go Mr. Diaz. I'll send a waiter right away" and with that she left.

"Is she blind or stupid?" I say narrowing my eyes at her retreating figure. Scarr chuckles again. "Tranquila fiera" he comments. (easy beast)

"Any ways....what do you-" I get cut off by our waitress arriving at our table. Another beautiful ass girl. Okay...I'm going to have to talk to uncle. "Hi, I'm tiffany. What can I get you mam?" she actually acknowledges me and a smiles appears in my face, a sigh of relief scaping my body.

"Finally somebody who sees me" I comment in a whisper and I hear Scarr chuckle, again. Oh, he feels funny tonight.

"A water would suffice" I say and she kindly smiles and writes it down on her notepad. "You sir?" she says, not even looking at Scarr. "Water would be nice too" he says and she writes it down. "I'll be back with your drinks in a few" and she walks away.

"Usually, you're suppose to order wine or that drink of yours....scotch" I comment and Scarr looks up to my eyes. "Yeah, but WE don't do wine. I only drink scotch when I'm stressed" he clarifies and I smile and he uses emphasis on the 'we'.

"So, tell me...have you thought about the position?" I can tell Scarr has been wanting to ask for some time, but for some reason he wouldn't. "Yeah....I'll give you my answer in a few days" I say with a neutral expression on my face. He tenses when I say this and somehow a frown appears on his angelic face.

"Don't frown, you're ruining the mood" I say and he looks up at me. "I just..." he gets cut off by Tiffany, our waitress. "Here are your drinks! Are you guys ready to order?" she asks and I look at Scarr a bit longer. He looks disappointed, sad to say the least. I don't like it.

"We can have the Steaks specials please" Scarr orders for us and I smile at the girl in conformation. "I'll be back with your order in a few" she says and walks away. "Scarr...." I say in a low tone and again, that sad look appears on his face.

"I just....I really like you Luna and I want you by my side. It's not even about the position anymore. I just want you." he says and I see a sparkle in his eyes. One that I've notice before, but only when he's around me. "Scarr, even if I don't take the position, I'll be yours. I'm not here for the position, I'm here for you" I say and with that, his smile is spread across his face again.

"I love your smile" I comment.

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