Chapter 33

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"Scarr!!! Put me down goddamn" I yelled at the top of my lungs as Scarr swung me around in Uncle's office. He was a little too excited by what I said.

"Sorry...I'm just happy" he says and I smile at the man before me. Scarr is not one to show emotion, typical but when he does, he lets it all out. It's the one thing that I admire of him, it's either bottle it all up or just show it, even if it's with anger.

I'm exactly like that...I'm not one to show emotion or even talk about my problems but my actions speak for me, my body language speak louder than any of my words do.

"I know I'm happy too. I ju-" I get cut off by a loud ass bang coming from the living room. I let go of Scarr and the four of us run to where the sound came from. When we reach the living room, I feel like the air has been taken out of my body.

The four of us stay frozen, on spot as we see fire all over the place and covering the main entrance. Good thing only the four of us were in here or we've have a bigger problem.

We snap out of our trance when Robert opens the front door and yells at us to get. "How did this happen?" Scarr yells at Robert. "Sorentos and bomb" was all he said, or what we understood, and immediately the four of us had a death glare on our faces, making Robert look nervous.

Scarr and I looked at each other then nodded. We were now in our zone, ready to do some damages. It's another thing that brings us together; the rage, adrenaline, the urge to destroy and kill and the satisfaction on being in control.

"Come on guys, there's a window we can jump out of" Old Nick says and we follow him. Uncle William's office is on the second floor so we had to jump out. When we reach the end of the hallway, we look back to see the fire spreading and everything crumbling.

One by one we jump and we reach the floor safely without a scratch. We see Robert running towards us and we meet him half way. "Everybody okay?" And we nod.

Somehow from somewhere, Scarr sees one of the guards and he grabs him by the neck and pulls him off the ground. I mentally slap myself for getting turned on by that. Shaking my head I walk over to Scarr and the guard.

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU ALL?" Scarr yells into the guards face. He tries to talk but he can't since Scarr is cutting off his air way. "Scarr put him down now!" I yell and he looks at me with the familiar death glare. I don't wince, coward down, I'm not afraid of him and he doesn't intimidate me, at least not like this.

He lets go of the guard and the guard recomposes himself. "S-sir someone left a note" the guards says and he extends his arm with the piece of paper on his hand. Scarr snatches it and starts reading. "Consider this a warning" was all the paper said and it had the fucking tattoo drawing as their signature. For a second I got concerned, but then I remember something, this was the gang that killed my father. How the fuck were they alive?

I stomp back to Uncle with rage fuming through me. "How are they alive?" I ask him and he looks at Old Nick then back at me. He winced a bit at my tone and the look on my face.

"Cupcake-" I cut him off, "this isn't time to call me are they alive?" I ask him once again and this time Scarr come back with the note. "When they killed my brother I managed to track them and kill them, but one person survived and we haven't been able to track that person, yet" he explains and I feel madness run through my veins.

"Somehow that didn't occur to you to say" I comment and I run my hand through my hair, I see Scarr do the exact same thing. I hear Old Nick chuckle and I snap my head towards him. "You and Scarr are so much alike" he says and I roll my eyes. Again with the bad timing.

"Come on...we have somebody to find." Scarr says and we nod and go towards the warehouse. "No one is going to call 911?" Robert asks and I turn back to look at the house. I sad expression appears on my home is burned down. Gone in a matter of second.

I feel Scarr wrap his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my shoulder. "I know baby...I promise you I will find the fucker who did this" he whispers into my ear and I turn around to face him.

"Together?" I ask.

"Together baby girl"

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