Chapter 12

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I wrote Plan B on the white board. Uncle William and Old Nick pulled chairs to sit in front of Scarr and I who were busy writing down all of our ideas, making lines to make possible connections between them.

They seemed amused seeing the both of us work together, and honestly, I was amused too.

Scarr bumped his hip against mine and leaned down to whisper something in my ear, "You look extremely sexy while you work" I blush and hide my face with my hair.

God can't the earth swallow me whole? Or can he do it?

I smiled at him and hit his arm playfully, I leaned over to whisper something in his ear. Standing on the tip of my toes, I put one of my hand on his shoulder for support and put my mouth against his ear teasingly, "guess my partner brings out the best in me" I said.

I step back and wink at him before turning around to face the two old man who are staring at us like kids. "What?" I ask them both. "Nothing" they both say, smirking as they're eyes turn the opposite direction. I narrowed my eyes and whisper 'weird asses'.

Scarr claps his hands as he finishes with his writing. "I think I got it" he says smiling at the three of us. "We can tell which ever gangs accept that we will make our first trade-in in one month, we will do it, at which ever location we pick.

The thing is, the trade-in would be a way to get the other gang to come and attacks us, yet WE will be prepared" I was loving the words that were coming out of his mouth.

"Oh my God yes! We can have the place all prepared with the bombs. We can secure one of the building to have only one entrance and that entrance is the only exit...

If there's any windows we cover them up with cement....just to be sure. Once the building is secure, we contact both gangs." I start to write down what I was saying.

"With the new 'ally' we come up with a 'new plan' about this gang that is messing with our supplies and how we need them to do the certain plan with us because it is the supplies they would be getting. After words, we tell them that we need to meet up at the chosen building. We will leave the supplies outside of the house, OR we can make those supplies extra bombs." His words were like music to my ears.

Uncle William, Old Nick and I were all looking at Scarr with awe in our eyes. Now I see what he means about me looking sexy, he looks lickable just talking.

"We can make the fake trade-off inside the building, go outside to get the supplies and secretly wait for the other gang to go in the building. Once both are there, BOOM!" I yelled out that last part in excitement. I was completely in utter bliss.

The three man looked at me and laughed. It was great seeing them laugh like that, these man were created with serious faces. I laughed my ass off and then looked at Scarr to see if he agrees or disagrees. His face goes serious and somehow disappointment washes over me.

"You don't like the plan. We can come up with something else" I was about to erase the white board when a hand stopped me.

I looked down and then up to see the culprit. It was Scarr..."I love it" was all he said and again I felt that warmness inside of me. I smiled immediately.

"You two agree?" I asked Uncle William and Old Nick, they nod and threw their thumbs up. "Okay good. Now that that's settled we need to set some rules" Scarr says.

"Rules?" Old Nick says looking dumbfounded. "Yes rules" he says again. I could actually think about what he means, they wouldn't be nothing big just something that doesn't throw off the plan.

"Rule number 1" Scarr starts speaking.

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