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sapnap almost tripped on his way out of the plane. his legs felt like lead from sitting too long and his mind was all jumbled from sleeping too long. punz held sapnap's arm firmly and was leading him along with the group, lugging their carry-ons and suitcases behind them.

the rest of the trip to the apartment was a blur. sapnap was pretty sure he fell asleep in the car again since he woke up covered in blankets in a completely unfamiliar room. he heard familiar voices in the room next to his so he just closed his eyes again. the door burst open a few seconds later.

"get up, you lazy ass," dream's voice invaded the peaceful room. sapnap glared up at the green-eyed man, who just grinned and set a plate down on the nightstand.

"just wanted to say bye," dream sat on the floor. "we're leaving to fundy's parents' house in a few minutes."

"already?" sapnap sighed, looking up from his pillow and angling his gaze down to dream.

dream nodded. "yeah, we want to get there in the morning."

"oh. what time is it?"

"almost midnight. you slept a long time," dream said, pointing to the clock on the nightstand next to the plate.

sapnap didn't reply. he swung his legs off the bed and picked up the plate, shoveling the food into his mouth. dream watched him, a small smile on his face.

"well, we'll be somewhere," dream said, standing up and gently slapping sapnap on the head. sapnap waved as dream walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. his phone buzzed next to him, tearing his attention away from the food in front of him.

multiple notifications popped up on sapnap's screen all at once, twitch, snapchat, instagram, you name it. all nine hours of zero wifi finally came in. sapnap shoved his phone under the pillow as he finished his food, standing up and grabbing his plate.

for the first time since he woke up, sapnap got a good look at his room. it was bare apart from the bed and closet, empty and sad. his bags sat next to the door, one pocket already open. that must've been where the blankets came from.

the next few days were just sapnap and punz unpacking and decorating their apartment. by the time they'd been there a week, the kitchen, both their bathrooms, and the living room were completely unpacked. they planned to help each other with their bedrooms since they each had so much to take out.

"wanna go out to eat? we can finish later," punz said to sapnap, setting down the box of electronics down on the floor. sapnap glanced over from where he was putting up pictures on his wall.

"sure," sapnap shrugged, stepping down from the chair he was on. "i'll look online for a cafe while we get ready."

"okay," punz nodded, disappearing out through the door. sapnap picked up his phone and searched up cafes and restaurants in their area, grabbing a pair of shoes on the way out the door. punz was on the couch, shoving his feet into a pair of dark blue converse.

"found one," sapnap tapped punz on the shoulder. he leaned on the couch as he tied his shoes. "we can walk there."

the pair practically ran down the stairs, excited to see the city. the streets weren't busy but weren't empty either, and it was just starting to rain.

"where's the cafe?" punz asked after one or two minutes of walking. sapnap checked his phone, his face brightening. he stopped, grabbing punz's shirt and pulling him back as the blond started to walk past the shop.

"right here."

"looks promising," punz raised his eyebrows, opening the door. sapnap ducked in, punz after him.

the cafe was a cozy little area, with a small counter by the back where the menu was stretched out across the wall, a few stools set at the counter, and some tables inside and outside the shop. paintings adorned the white walls. the boy at the counter looked bored, gaze angled down to stare down at his phone.

"i'll order. what do you want?" sapnap said, nudging punz's shoulder.

"just a coffee, i guess," punz said, sitting down at one of the tables. the shop was pretty empty, maybe one or two people on dates, but they were farther from punz and sapnap's table.

sapnap walked up to the counter, waiting for the boy to notice him. the brunette glanced up, almost jumping when he saw sapnap.

"oh, i'm so sorry! what can i get you?" the boy smiled sheepishly. his nametag read george.

"it's fine. i'll take two large coffees and a small pastry." george's caramel eyes darted across the screen as he entered in sapnap's order. he smiled again at sapnap once he was finished.

"name?" he asked.


"okay, that'll be 3£," george said, waiting for sapnap to fish the money out of his pocket. wilbur and sally had come over the other day with fundy and dream to give them some money before they got jobs.

sapnap handed the money over, moving to stand where you picked up your order.

"you aren't from around here, are you? your accent is different," george raised an eyebrow as he made the coffees.

"yeah, i'm from america. i'm just here for college," sapnap brushed his dark hair from his eyes.

"oh? that's cool," george set the cups down on the counter before sapnap. he moved to grab one of the pastries from the glass casing and set it on a napkin next to the cups. sapnap thanked the boy with a small smile, taking the coffee and pastry and walking back to punz.

"making friends already?" punz said, taking his coffee with a smirk. sapnap rolled his eyes, biting into the pastry. it was soft and creamy, delicious.

"this is so fucking good," sapnap shoved the rest in his mouth, punz laughing loudly.

"i'm getting another," sapnap said after he swallowed, pushing himself from the table and jogging back to the counter.

"hi again," sapnap grinned. george looked up from his phone, a teasing smile appearing on his face.

"what can i get you now?"

"like, two more of those pastries. they're so good," sapnap said, pointing to the pastries he just ate. george nodded, his smile growing wider as he picked up two more.

"i'm glad you liked them, i made them myself," george put the treats in a small box and handed them to sapnap over the counter. sapnap pushed his hand into his pocket to grab his money but george stopped him.

"it's fine," george shook his head, "on the house."

"really? thanks!" sapnap picked the box up, smiling sideways at george. george's face turned red and he waved sapnap away.

"want one?" sapnap asked punz after he'd sat down again. sapnap started to shake his head but a grin spread on his face.

"what's that?" punz asked, hiding his grin by taking a sip of his coffee. sapnap turned the box around, his green eyes lighting up. he looked over to where george stood at the counter, head buried in his hands but an unmistakable smile on his face.



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