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sapnap ended up staying the night at george's again. after george's "episode," sapnap didn't trust that if he left nothing bad would happen with george. although, the brunet collapsed onto his bed right when they got back to his apartment, despite being soaking wet from walking in the rain.

sapnap would've preferred to miss classes for a few weeks, but with exams coming up he really couldn't. he left george small notes telling him where he was going and other small things, mostly little snacks he knew george liked. he always refilled his cat's food and water, even cleaned up a bit before he had to leave.

the next few weeks were uneventful, thankfully. sapnap spent most of his time studying but usually went to george's to do so, though most of his mind was stuck on one little thing he wanted to do: ask george to spend christmas with him in texas. sapnap was planning on going down and was going to ask punz but he was spending the holidays with his brothers and other family. so it was either leave george here and go or take george with him.

he just needed a good time to do it.

"finally done," sapnap breathed, plopping down next to george on the couch. george glanced over, a small smile blooming on his face.

"with all exams or do you have a few more?"

"like one more tomorrow," sapnap muttered in reply. he held his hands out and george lifted his cat into sapnap's outstretched palms, scratching under her chin. sapnap cradled the small animal to his chest, the question on the tip of his tongue.

"hey, uh, george?" sapnap started slowly.

"mhm?" the brunet replied, eyes fixed on the tv on the wall.

sapnap's mouth was suddenly dry. he felt like he was breathing sandpaper, tongue poking out to wet his lips.


"huh? oh, um... want to come with me to texas for christmas? if you don't have any plans already, i wasn't sure and—"

george's fingers gently touched sapnap's hand. sapnap looked over, words caught in his throat.

"of course i'll come," george said softly. the tv faded into background noise, rain pattering lightly against the windows.

"great! great," sapnap smiled nervously. he let out an inaudible breath, leaning his head on the back of the sofa. he must've drifted off, because he felt a blanket being draped over him and movement in his arms. when he opened his eyes, george was gingerly lifting his kitten from sapnap's arms and adjusting the blanket, moving out of sapnap's view to what sapnap guessed was the kitchen.

he just let himself fall back asleep.

george quietly opened his wardrobe, scanning all the clothes he had hung up. there were small labels on all of them telling him what colour they were so george didn't wear neon clothes out in public. niki had done it, and whenever he got new clothes he'd call her over and she would help him.

it was around eleven at night; sapnap was still asleep in the living room, so george decided to plan out what he would take with him to texas. george knew they wouldn't be leaving for another week or two but he was really, really excited. thanksgiving hadn't even come up yet; george didn't have anyone to spend it with anyway, since niki was going to visit minx.

the week before, sapnap had asked george to have thanksgiving with him and his friends as well. george hadn't had a proper thanksgiving since... since he was kid, really, so george obviously said yes. he wanted to meet sapnap's other friends, wanted to see what they were like.

"what're you doing?" a slurred, sleepy voice came from behind him. george turned, smiling at the sight of sapnap with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, dark hair messy and ruffled from sleep.

"thinking. want me to call punz to pick you up?" george asked, stepping closer and trying to smooth sapnap's hair down. the younger nodded slowly, eyes closing again. he leaned into george, face being smushed between george's neck and shoulder. george dug in his pocket for his phone, pulling up punz's contact and tapping the call button.

minutes later, the door was being unlocked and punz was walking in. george had moved himself and sapnap to the couch, the raven leaning on him and a pillow. punz didn't say anything as he slipped his shoes off and went to sit in the armchair, avoiding george's cat.

"did he fall asleep here again?" punz asked, voice soft as not to wake sapnap up again. george nodded and punz sighed.

"i walked here," punz muttered, "damn it."

"i can drive you both back," george offered.

punz shook his head. "you don't have to do that."

"dumbass, you think sap is gonna cooperate and walk home with you?" george scoffed. punz smiled, jumping as george's kitten put her paw on his foot. he gently shooed her away, shivering.

"not really," punz shrugged, "but it's late at night and i don't wanna make you drive for nothing."

"shut the hell up and take sapnap from me. i'll go start my car," george said, standing up. punz took the blanket from sapnap and folded it, setting it on the couch next to him. punz pulled sapnap up, lifting him onto his back.

george was standing at the door, keys in hand, as punz slipped his shoes on again. sapnap's bag was being held on george's shoulder.

the walk to the garage was quiet, the only sound in the hallways of the apartment building being the keys jingling in george's hand. punz practically dropped sapnap into the backseat of george's car and climbed into the passenger's seat.

a minute or two into the drive, punz decided to ask, "you're spending thanksgiving with us, right?"

george glanced at him. "uh, yeah. if that's okay."

"yeah, it's fine. you'll be meeting my brothers and my brother's boyfriend, maybe more, dunno," punz shrugged.

"you have brothers?"

"yeah. one doesn't live here, though," punz nodded.

driving from george's building to punz's was easy and short. they were there in a few minutes.

"do you need help bringing sapnap in?" george asked, watching punz pick the raven up again. the blond shook his head as he eased sapnap onto his back again.

"get home safe, george," punz called as he walked up the path to the doors. george watched them go, waving slightly, until they had disappeared through the doors.



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