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also sorry these are like all fillers😔 i'm struggling with writing these atm but i have ideas and we're finally getting somewhere lmao


"wanna go on a roadtrip?"

it had been barely a few days in texas, and now sapnap was asking george to go on another roadtrip.

"to where?"

"dallas! i have some friends up there," sapnap grinned. george raised his head from his pillow, crooking an eyebrow at sapnap.

sapnap watched as george sat up fully and yawned. "i mean... sure."

"awesome! i'll go talk to my mom!" sapnap cheered, jumping off of his bed and racing downstairs. it was early morning, too early for sapnap to be this excited, but he still considered himself a teenager until he turned twenty, so it was fine on his terms.

kallisto was making breakfast in the kitchen with elliot sitting at the counter drinking from a steaming mug.

"can george and i go on a roadtrip to somewhere?" sapnap asked, plopping into the seat beside his father. elliot looked up from his book to face sapnap while kallisto glanced over her shoulder.

"you two are adults, i'm sure if you wanted to
you could. where would you guys go?" kallisto asked as she plated the food and set them down in front of her husband and son.

"dallas, probably. i haven't seen darryl and zak in forever."

"i thought they were in florida?" elliot raised his eyebrows, picking up his fork. kallisto sat down across from him.

"they're spending christmas in texas like me and george," sapnap replied with his mouth full.

kallisto shrugged. "just be back by christmas eve or earlier, i suppose."

"thanks, mama! i promise we will." sapnap leaned over to peck her cheek before running up the stairs again.

george was laying on sapnap's bed when sapnap got back. george had sapnap's blanket wrapped around his shoulders and his phone was propped up in his hands. sapnap sat down on the edge of the mattress, grabbing george's attention.

"what'd they say?"

"they said yes. you can meet my old friends!" sapnap grinned widely. george laughed, nodding his head, clicking off his phone.

"do we start packing now, or...?" george sat up.

"no, i want to do this." sapnap leaned forward and practically tackled george back onto the bed. george yelped as he was shoved back onto the pillows and blankets by sapnap, the younger boy's feathery black hair fluffing up against george's chest. george wrapped his arms around sapnap as they fell into a comfortable silence.

"how long are we gonna be like this?" george murmured.

sapnap shrugged from where he was. "at least an hour."


sapnap literally jumped out of the car once it came to a stop on the side of the road, running into the arms of a tall brunet on the sidewalk. a boy with blue hair followed the brunet and joined the hug while george got out of the driver's side and closed both his and sapnap's open doors.

"hi! are you george?" the brunet pulled out of the hug, leaving sapnap wrapped in the arms of the boy with blue hair. george nodded, hugging his arms to his chest. the brunet walked over and gave him a gentle hug.

"my name is bad," the brunet said with a smile.

"george, but you already knew that." george returned the smile.

"the kid with blue hair is skeppy, my boyfriend. he and sapnap are extremely clingy around each other."

george laughed at skeppy's glare aimed at bad. sapnap was laughing as well. "it's true, skeppy, you are clingy with me," sapnap giggled.

"whatever." skeppy shrugged. "how long are you guys here?"

"we were told to be back by christmas eve at least," sapnap replied as he pulled away from skeppy to help george with their bags. they were just duffel bags full of clothes and their toiletries, and maybe a few snacks. it was clear they weren't staying very long.

"you two can have the guest bedroom." bad lead them to the apartment building doors, past benches and plants, and to their door. it was clean, mostly because bad was a bit of a neat freak, but it was also messy and they found out why when a fluffy white dog came barreling into the room. its collar jingled as it moved, jumping and trying to say hello to sapnap and george.

"this is rat. hello, rat, meet george! you know sapnap," bad cooed, picking up the small dog. "you aren't scared of dogs, are you?" bad asked george worriedly.

george shook his head. "just not used to them. i have a cat back home but sapnap has a dog here so i'm trying to get used to him."

"awesome! lucy's a sweetheart but really eccentric all the time," skeppy whined. george laughed and patted rat's head lightly. the dog barked and licked george's hand.

"the guest room is over here, george!" sapnap called from the hallway. george looked over to see sapnap tossing his bag onto the floor of probably the neatest room in the house. bad said he and skeppy never used it so it never got messy or anything.

"there's a bathroom connected to it as well through that door," skeppy said, opening another door to reveal a bathroom.

sapnap collapsed dramatically onto the bed. "you guys are too good to us."

"hope it's okay there's only one bed. you guys are together, right? so it won't be a problem?" bad asked, leaning on the doorframe. sapnap felt his cheeks heat up and glanced at george to see his face bright red.

"n-no, we aren't," george corrected, "we're just friends."

sapnap ignored his heart's ache at the words and just nodded along.

"oh. okay," skeppy mumbled, folding his arms over his chest. "i can drag a mattress in here for one of you or someone could take the couch. sapnap, why don't you stay with bad and i'll have the couch and george can have this room?"

"i don't want to take you away from bad, skeppy." sapnap shook his head.

"sapnap and i can share it. we did it at dream's, we can do it again," george cut in, ignoring his flaming face.

"if you say so..." bad trailed off.

the ache in sapnap's heart was gone now, replaced with excitement, just like when they were sharing at thanksgiving.

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