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george listened to sapnap's gentle snores coming from the backseat, staring out at the road in front of them. punz was behind the wheel,  fingers drumming quietly on the plastic. they were about halfway to punz's brother's house and george was just starting to feel slightly anxious about meeting punz's family and sapnap's friends.

"nervous?" punz asked, glancing briefly at george. the brunet nodded slowly, hands balling the hem of his shirt into his fists. "about what?" punz said, a tiny smile ghosting over his lips, the afternoon sun hitting his gold necklace.

"a lot of things. mostly meeting your brothers, though i'm sure they're lovely," george mumbled, looking over the back of his chair at sapnap's sleeping figure.

"they'll love you. one of them, the youngest, won't be there i think but my older brothers will."

"you have three brothers?" george asked in disbelief. punz laughed softly, nodding, slowing the car so he didn't have to worry about spiraling out into the fields. the roads were empty, anyway.

"i felt bad for my mom once i realized how annoying they can be," punz said. george only then noticed how tired punz looked, how loose his grip was becoming on the steering wheel.

"hey, want me to drive for a bit?" george pointed to the side of the road. punz shrugged lazily, pulling over.

george gathered his backpack up and chucked it into the backseat beside sapnap. punz pushed his door open with his foot, walking around the vehicle to the passenger's side. they traded seats and george took the car out of park, driving back onto the center road.

by the time the sun was setting, they were finally nearing amsterdam, where punz's brother resided. sapnap had woken up finally and was looking out the window like an excited little kid. punz was leaning his head against the window, out like a light since george offered to take over.

"are we almost there?" sapnap poked his head between the two front seats. george swiveled his head to look back at the raven.

"almost, now stop," george shooed sapnap away after he looked back to the road. sapnap huffed but sat back in his seat, gaze returning to watching buildings whiz by.

minutes later, after george checked the address three times, they pulled up to a house. sapnap shook punz awake, and when punz nodded, they all got out of the car. punz walked up to the doorstep and knocked, immediately being pulled into a hug by a tall blond once the door opened.

"sapnap!!" the boy called, waving to the raven. sapnap waved back excitedly, putting his bag on the car roof and jogging up to the boy.

"and you must be george." another boy emerged from behind the blond, this one around george's height but with fluffy auburn hair.

he held out his hand. "i'm fundy."

george took it, shaking fundy's hand. "yeah, i'm george."

"it's nice to meet you," fundy smiled, "that's dream, my boyfriend."

"hi!" dream yelled to george, hand held high as he waved. george waved back slightly, smiling softly at him.

"can we go in now? i'm tired," punz whined, plopping his bag into dream's arms.

george met punz's other brother, sam, almost immediately after they walked in. his hair was a faded green and light blondish-brown hair was peeking through the green. george raised an eyebrow and sam simply said, "it was a dare."

"so, if it's okay, sapnap and george will have to share a room. we only have two spare bedrooms," dream said, still holding punz's bag.

"unless one of you wants the couch," fundy shrugged, "but punz and sam still have to share."

george felt his stomach swirl a bit at the thought of sharing a room with sapnap, possibly a bed. sure, they'd fallen asleep on the couch with each other, but never a bed or room that they'd have to share for at least two days.

"that's okay," sapnap said, a bright smile on his face. george nodded in agreement.

"awesome. dream, show them to their room," fundy waved his hand dismissively. dream rolled his eyes but tossed punz's bag back to him and started leading sapnap and george down the hall. dream pushed open the last door they came across, revealing one bed and a mattress on the floor.

"sorry you don't both get a bed," dream apologized, "it wouldn't fit, plus we won't need an extra bed after this week."

"it's fine, dream," sapnap flicked dream's shoulder.

"we'll be out in a few minutes," george nodded.

"you take the bed."

"shut the fuck up, no. you get the bed."

"george, put your stuff on the goddamn bed."

"why don't we share it, then?"

george regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. sapnap's face flushed pink and he averted his gaze, shifting uneasily.

"um, i'm sorry, i didn't—"

"i guess we could," sapnap murmured.

"really? if you're comfortable, of course, but—" george stopped himself. he nodded and they both dropped their stuff by the bedframe.

not even a few minutes later, dream burst into their room. "there's food if you want any in the kitchen!"

george and sapnap thanked dream and the blond left. george sat down on the edge of the bed, the exhaustion and fatigue of driving finally hitting him.

"i'm gonna go grab some food. you coming?" sapnap asked, already making his way to the door. george shook his head, waving sapnap on.

"no, i'll get some later," george said in reply. sapnap shrugged, closing the door behind him as he walked into the hallway. george watched him go until the door closed all the way with a gentle click.

he scooted back until he was in the middle of the bed, head buried in the pillow. george reached into his bag to pull out his blanket, wrapping it around himself tightly, becoming a blanket burrito. george felt his eyelids grow heavy, his head slowly emptying of thoughts, the room growing darker. his friends' talking faded into faint background noise as he slipped into a dreamless sleep.


ew i hate the ending but honestly just wanted to get this out-

no i'm totally not self-promoting on my own book but i have a oneshot book that you should check out >:)

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