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it wasn't fun. the mall was full of teenage girls running around in their cliques with their boyfriends and parents trailing behind them, arms full of at least four bags of whatever. there were lines to almost every store, long lines, so long some of them snaked around the area and bled into other lines.

"yeah, want to just get some lunch somewhere?" sapnap asked, turning to george. george nodded and the two of them left in a hurry.

the streets were much more empty and easy to navigate. they came across a small restaurant at the end of one street and decided to go in; it wasn't very busy, with the occasional couple or family spread out.

they sat down at an empty table, close to a window, and took out the menus. george honestly had no idea what he wanted; maybe, sapnap, in his arms late at night?


george shook his head to clear his thoughts. sapnap glanced over at him, his lips curving into a small smile.  george felt his face flush and he raised his menu to hide his blush.

sapnap gasped. "they have apple pie?"

"yeah, most restaurants do," george nodded. "it's literally lunch time, though—"

"can we get apple pie?"

george let the menu drop from his hands, shaking his head in feign disappointment.

"pleasee, georgiee?" sapnap begged, drawing out the ends of each word. george laughed, taking sapnap's menu as well.

"fine," george agreed. sapnap cheered, giving george a brief side hug. the waiter came up to their table, a smile on his face.

"what can i get for you guys today?"

they were at the restaurant for an hour or two. by the time they finished, it was almost late afternoon and the streets were more crowded.

"oh, i wanna show you something!!" george grabbed sapnap's hand and started pulling him down the sidewalk. red flared up in sapnap's face but he ignored it, allowing george to tug him along.

they reached a park after five minutes of walking. george kept his hand intertwined with sapnap's all the way until they reached a hill at the edge of the park.

george flopped onto his back in the grass, patting the space next to him for sapnap. sapnap sat down, leaning on his palms, gazing up at the sky. clouds covered half of the bright blue sky, mixing into different shapes.

the only sound was the breeze rustling the trees around them and other people in the park. george's hand felt cold without sapnap's in it so he carefully took sapnap's hand again. sapnap looked down at their hands, a smile appearing on his face. george didn't even care about the fact that he couldn't see half of the world like sapnap could, he was just happy he was with him.

they laid there for hours. it was mostly silent but they occasionally pointed out strangely-shaped clouds. their hands stayed together.

"that looks like a star," george said, pointing to one of the clouds.

sapnap scoffed. "no, it looks more like a fucking pie."

"pie? are you seriously still hungry?"

"...no," sapnap laughed.

george raised an eyebrow.

"okay, fine, maybe," sapnap admitted. george rolled his eyes, sitting up.

"it'll be getting dark anyway," george stood, pulling sapnap up with him. he brushed grass off his clothes. "wanna just go back to my place? i'm pretty sure your apartment building is pretty far from here."

"oh— uh, sure," sapnap nodded.

"this way," george started leading the way back to his building.

sapnap closed the door behind him, looking around the apartment. he looked down when he heard jingling growing louder until a small grey kitten could be seen running into the room. george knelt and picked her up, rubbing behind her ears.

"aww, she's adorable!" sapnap said, reaching his hand out. the kitten hesitantly licked sapnap's knuckles, letting out a soft meow. "what's her name?" he asked, scratching under her chin.

"i haven't figured it out yet," george replied, kissing the kitten's head. he eased her into sapnap's hands, scratching the fur on her neck. the cat licked sapnap's cheek, rolling onto her back in sapnap's arms.

george disappeared into one of the rooms, returning with the huge bear he had on his bed. sapnap's eyes lit up when he saw it, gently setting george's cat on the ground before taking the bear from george. it was comforting to hold, fluffy and warm, and it even smelled like george. sapnap was tempted to take it for himself.

"hey, don't steal it!!" george seemed to know what sapnap was thinking. sapnap pouted playfully, hugging the bear tighter.

george's face lit up with an idea. he grabbed sapnap's wrist and started pulling him to the kitchen, the bear falling from sapnap's grip. george's kitten jumped onto it and nestled into the fluff.

"we can have like a movie night or something! or we can bake, or—"

"i cannot bake. i can cook things but i suck at baking," sapnap shook his head.

"then a movie?" george asked, eyes hopeful. sapnap laughed, nodding.

"movies are in that drawer, i'll make snacks!!" george said excitedly, practically skipping to the cabinet. sapnap went over to the drawer george pointed to, george's cat raising her head and watching him go.

five minutes later, sapnap and george were huddled on george's couch under a blanket together. snacks were between them, two sodas sitting on the coffee table. the start of a movie was playing, but neither of them really intended on watching it.


ew i hate this chapter but my first one i liked was deleted and i really needed something out :/

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