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finally a chapter


"how much longer are we going to be out here?" sapnap whined, attempting to drag george away from a flower shop that was completely transformed for christmas; the lights were bright even this late, and even the open sign was on.

"just a little longer, sapnap, please?" george replied without looking back. sapnap sighed with a nod and sat down on the curb, pulling his sleeves over his hands; texas just had to be unbelievably cold in december.

the bell above the shop jingled, startling sapnap out of his bitter thoughts about the weather. he looked over his shoulder and george was gone, but before he could panic he saw george inside the shop. sapnap shoulders sagged in relief and he moved his head, reaching and pulling his hair into a small ponytail.

"i have another gift!"

sapnap chuckled, leaning back to see george clutching a flower. "another? george, i'm ninety percent sure you've paid for my gifts more than i have yours."

"you literally bought me colourblind glasses, sapnap. don't argue with me about who spent more money," george retorted, sitting down beside sapnap. he carefully slid the flower—a cecilia, sapnap guesses—between the strands of sapnap's hair, sitting back with a wide grin.

"you do know cecilias mean like... blind or something like that?" sapnap raised an eyebrow with a grin.

george's face flushed and he glared at sapnap. "shut up! it's pretty, okay? and it's white, so even without the glasses i can still enjoy it!"

"it is pretty. thank you, george." sapnap wrapped george in a hug, careful as he buried his face in george's neck. "you know what's also pretty?"



george laughed, resting his chin on the crown of sapnap's head. "you're also very pretty. the flower just makes it better."

a few minutes passed by, and the only thing either of them can hear is the faint christmas music playing from inside the flower shop, until george feels a light weight on his cheek.

"uh... sap? is it supposed to snow in texas? from what you've told me before—"

"it's snowing?" sapnap sat up abruptly, almost squishing the flower in the process. he looked around at the white beginning to fall, a wide smile spreading on his face. "holy shit, it's snowing!"

the raven launched himself up, dragging george with him, down the street. "what's the big deal, haven't you seen plenty of snow back home?" george questioned, but watched sapnap with a small smile.

"yeah, of course i have, but this is texas! snow is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"

they somewhow ended up at a beach. it was empty, of course, the sand just barely noticeable against the falling snow. sapnap let go of george's hand to flop down on the snow, sticking his tongue out to catch the drifting snowflakes.

"you have snow in your hair." george wrinkled his nose as he sat down. he ruffled sapnap's hair, scattering the white flakes out of the dark locks.

"so do you," sapnap replied without looking away from the sky. "can we dance?"


"like, dancing together. on the snow. i have my phone, i'll play music for us," sapnap finished as he finally looked over, smiling at george.

george coughed. "we can, i just... really fucking suck at dancing," he mumbled, flicking snowflakes off his knee. sapnap shrugged. "so? i do too, i just think it's fun."

"then yeah, we can dance," george agreed. his face was warm and he was thankful it was dark enough that sapnap wouldn't notice the red on his cheeks. george was also thankful that his face was warm against the sharp cold air.

sapnap tossed his phone onto the sand after choosing a song, and george rolled his eyes when he heard it was a cheesy christmas song. he accepted sapnap's hand, letting himself be pulled up against sapnap's body. "you probably have snow on your back," george quipped, smirking up at sapnap, who scoffed. george reached and brushed a hand over the back of sapnap's hoodie, raising an eyebrow when the hand came back with snowflakes scattered over it.

they speak in hushed voices, not loud enough that they couldn't hear the song, but not quiet enough that they couldn't understand each other.

"can i do something stupid?"

"hm?" george lifted his head from sapnap's chest, breath catching at how much closer they were now.

"can i do something stupid," sapnap repeated. george nodded absently, meeting sapnap's eyes.

sapnap dipped his head slightly, pausing for what seemed like forever before actually connecting their lips. george fell into it naturally, eyes closing and hand reaching up to cup sapnap's cheek before sliding into his hair, bumping into the cecilia on accident. george giggled, moving his hand again, cupping the nape of sapnap's neck instead.

it only lasted for thirty seconds, but they didn't move even after they pulled away.

"the song ended," george whispered.

"we just kissed after what, like five months, and all you're going to say is 'the song ended'?" sapnap laughed. george hit his shoulder lightly but he was laughing too, pressing his lips to sapnap's after a minute.

"okay, i'm cold. can we go back now?" george asked, wrapping his arms around sapnap's neck for warmth. sapnap nodded, letting go of george momentarily to pick up his phone. more snow had fallen while they had danced (just them swaying back and forth in one place), leaving footprints behind them as they trekked back to sapnap's house.

george picked up their gifts from the porch as sapnap opened the door. warm air wrapped around his body when the door shut, trapping the cold air outside.

"there you boys are," kallisto said from the kitchen. a finished plate of dessert sat in front of her, along with a mostly-empty cup of coffee. "i was starting to think you both got frozen out there," she joked.

sapnap shook his head. "no, we just walked around town and the beach. nothing special."

george scowled at him for leaving out a very important detail. sapnap just sent him a grin in response, taking his hand and pulling him upstairs.

"i'm showering first," george muttered, opening the door to the bathroom. "can you pass me some clothes?" sapnap nodded and tossed him a bundle of clothes, and george didn't notice it was sapnap's shirt until after his shower when he was getting dressed.

sapnap was already in his bed when george got out of the bathroom. his hair was wet against his pillow. george took one look at the air mattress on the floor and climbed onto sapnap's, getting comfortable under the blankets.


"hm?" sapnap hummed, muffled because half of his face was buried in the pillow.

"nothing. goodnight."

"'night, georgie."

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