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quick thing, i have no actual clue what sapnap's family's names are, this is just something i picked on the spot lol

also i'm really sorry that it's short, i just really wanted to get something out because i feel like i haven't been paying any attention to my stories lmao


sapnap practically flew into his mother's arms when him and george saw her. george just hung back awkwardly, hands shoved in his pockets, a shy smile on his face. sapnap's mother looked up from sapnap's shoulder and beckoned george over to join the hug, which he did.

"missed you." george heard sapnap mumble. the raven looked tired, probably because he hadn't slept a wink on the plan, whereas george had slept the majority of it.

"i missed you too, dear. now, you must be george, my name is kallisto, but please, call me kal." sapnap's mother pulled away from the hug to get a good look at george. he only nodded.

"cute, isn't he?" sapnap said tiredly. george's face went as red as his sweater and he shot a glare at sapnap, who only giggled.

"very. now, let's go, your father is waiting in the car."

george walked behind them, listening to their conversation but not chiming in.

"christ, sapnap, do you sleep at all?"

"i do, i swear!"

george smiled to himself. he helped kallisto load the bags into the trunk while sapnap hugged his father and collapsed into the backseat. george slid into the backseat next to him, folding his hands neatly in his lap, turning his head to look out the window. america was fascinating to him and they'd hardly even left the airport.

"so, george. how's london? sap has told me so little about it from our calls and texts." kallisto asked from the front seat.

"london? well, i mean, i like it, but that's 'cause i've lived their my whole life. it's big but homey," george replied.

"so you've lived there your entire life? do your parents live with you?" sapnap's father, elliot, asked. george froze at the thought of his parents before he remembered how to breathe and replied.

"n-no, i moved out a long time ago," george breathed. his mind was swirling with thoughts and memories of his parents and sister. he shook his head to try to clear them out, but it was no use.

"i'm sorry, i'm tired. could we continue this conversation over dinner maybe, when sapnap's awake again?" george asked quickly, relaxing his hands that had balled into fists.

elliot held the door open for kallisto, sapnap, and george, following them in with sapnap's bag. the raven was still half-asleep and had to lean on george as they walked so he wouldn't fall. george let him go, however, as sapnap's sisters came rushing down the stairs and tackling him in a hug.

"girls, be gentle. sapnap's still groggy," kallisto scolded them.

"wait, are you george?" one of the girls gasped. "sapnap's said a lot about you! my name is eve." as she introduced herself, eve untangled herself from the hug while her sister kept clinging onto sapnap.

"it's short for evangeline. i'm anastasia or ana. mom really went crazy with her greek heritage," ana said, rolling her eyes.

george laughed gently before he replied, "yeah, i'm george. don't you guys have a step-sibling? sapnap said you guys did."

"yeah, he's over there." sapnap pointed to the staircase. he seemed more awake now.

a boy about sapnap's height waved from where he sat on the floor. elliot walked over to him and sat down beside the boy, putting a hand on his shoulder. "this is my son, ashton," elliot introduced his son, reaching his hand from ashton's shoulder to ruffle his fluffy brown hair.

"you can stay in the guest room or sapnap's room if you want," kallisto informed george kindly.

"can he stay in my room?" sapnap asked.

"it's his choice, dear."

"sure, i'll stay in sapnap's room," george blurted out without giving it a second thought. maybe he should've, though, because it was likely going to be the situation they had at fundy and dream's house during thanksgiving.

kallisto smiled. "sapnap, would you show george up to your room then?"

"sure," sapnap mumbled. he took george's hand, to which george was sure his face was as red as his sweater again, and started to pull george to the stairs. ashton and elliot were gone, probably to the kitchen. the walls were decorated with pictures of when the kids were little and what george guessed was wedding pictures. except, sapnap looked only slightly younger than he did today in those.

sapnap pushed the last door on the left open, revealing a spotless room. posters were still on the wall, the bed tucked into the corner with a separate mattress on the floor. kallisto must've guessed george would sleep in sapnap's room instead of the guest room.

"here's my room." sapnap smiled widely. he shut the door and put his bag down, collapsing onto the bed in the corner. he sat up to face george again, watching him as george set his bag down and went to look at the things on sapnap's desk. it wasn't as cluttered as the one in sapnap's apartment thankfully, so george didn't have to move things.

"mom must've cleaned it up," sapnap said, taking off his shoes and putting them neatly next to his bed. george plopped down on the mattress on the floor, nodding without actually registering sapnap's words.

"you gonna take a nap?" george asked. sapnap nodded, laying back down on the bed. he didn't bother pulling the blanket over himself and george frowned when he noticed, opening the door to find their suitcases by the wall. george dug through his own, pulling out his grey blanket and draping it over an already-asleep sapnap. george smiled softly, ruffling sapnap's hair, before slipping out of the room and down the stairs to socialize with his best friend's family.

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