
872 39 17

tw ; slight drug usage


finally, october was almost over. halloween was this weekend and george's birthday was the day after it. and for once, george was practically bouncing with joy. everybody was coming over to his place on halloween and they were making cookies and watching movies and—

"you seem excited," sapnap's voice rang through the room, snapping george from his daze. sapnap was setting his bag down by the shoe rack and closing the door, a small smile on his face.

"how could you tell?" george smiled sheepishly. he tried to sink further into his pillows, kitten nestled to his chest. the sofa dipped under sapnap's weight as the raven sat down.

"you look less tired and happier," sapnap shrugged. he'd taken his shoes off at the door, swinging his legs onto the cushions and tucking them under himself. they were on opposite sides of the couch, the space between seemingly too vast, though george couldn't do much to fix that with a kitten sitting on him.

george didn't reply but reached for the remote. sapnap watched as george scrolled through applications until he chose one, music. george tossed the remote to sapnap, letting his head fall back onto the armrest.

"choose something."

sapnap opened his mouth to say something, his brows furrowed in thought, but closed it and started looking through the music. while he did that, george faded into his state of thinking he was in before sapnap walked in. his first thought was that considering he was never this happy, everything had to come crashing down eventually.

when soft music started playing, jarring george from his thoughts, he saw sapnap put the remote down. the nineteen-year-old disappeared for a minute, returning to his spot with george's huge bear in his hands. george's kitten must've woken up because she jumped off his chest and landed on the floor gracefully, allowing george full control of his body now.

"can i...?" george asked, trailing off. sapnap nodded and george scooted closer, resting his head on the fluffy bear. he felt sapnap's hand touch his shoulder lightly.

even though all they were doing was sitting in silence, george was having a good time. he hoped sapnap was as well, but when he looked up at him sapnap had fallen asleep. when did that happen? one of sapnap's hands clutched the bear while the other sat on george's shoulder, his dark bangs covering his closed eyes. george thought he looked... a number of words.

george woke to his phone going off every second. multiple messages from almost all of his current friends filled his notification center and there was even a few missed calls. george, too groggy to answer, decided to shut his eyes again and throw the device to the foot of the bed, only for it to continue vibrating against the covers.

then, a thought popped into his head.

"oh, shit, it's halloween," george sat up abruptly, hand grabbing his phone again. as if on instinct, george opened the texts from sapnap first.

sappy 6:02

george didn't bother checking his other messages; they probably weren't important anyway. his fingers tapped out a reply before he scrambled out of his warm bed, running to the bathroom to shower quickly. he was off work today, they all were, but he promised sapnap he could come over around ten. it was nine-thirty.

thank goodness he'd put out an outfit the night before. george quickly pulled it on, glancing at himself in front of the mirror, trying to fix his hair before he left his bedroom. just in time, too, since a knock filled the silence in the living room. george unlocked the door and opened it to reveal an excited-looking sapnap practically bouncing on his feet and a bored-looking luke. both were holding a bag, presumably of decorations.

"hi!" sapnap grinned. george stepped to the side to let them in, yelping as he was crushed into a hug by sapnap. punz ruffled george's hair like he always did, messing up the brown locks.

"okay, so, when are we decorating?" sapnap asked, crouching down to pick up george's cat.

"and which parts are we decorating?" punz added.

"i thought we could decorate the kitchen and living room the most," george shrugged. "as for when, i have no idea. whenever you guys want to?"


"yes, sap, we can decorate now."

george told himself they weren't going to get a noise complaint.

they got a noise complaint. it wasn't even his fault, the music just gradually got louder as the night went on. the party started when around eleven and now it was one in the morning. it wasn't george's fault someone kept turning the damn music up.

he didn't really care, though. he and sapnap were sitting on the balcony railing, passing a joint between themselves. they were laughing about something completely stupid that george probably didn't even care about, but they thought it was hilarious.

"heyy, it's your birthday now, right?" sapnap asked over the muffled music coming from inside. smoke puffed out from his lips with every word.

george nodded. "yeah, i dunno if i'm excited or not."

"well, you should be. i have the best gift ever for you," sapnap said, his grin flashing in the moonlight. george's gaze lingered a little too long but it seemed to go unnoticed by sapnap.

"oh yeah?" george raised a chocolate-coloured brow. sapnap paused to take a drag, nodding.

"yeah, you're gonna love it. i have this whole thing planned out and—"

"don't tell me, dumbass!" george laughed, kicking sapnap's foot. sapnap smiled and shrugged, his jacket falling off his shoulder. sapnap didn't seem to notice that either.

silence settled over them, the roaring of the music fading into background noise, the only movement their hands trading the cigarette to one another. every time their fingers touched, george's stomach swirled with butterflies. he didn't know if it was just because he was high or if sapnap was just magical, but he also didn't really care. he enjoyed it.

"you staying over?" george asked, tilting his head up to watch the stars wink down at them.

"if you want me to," sapnap replied, putting the cigarette out and flicking it off the balcony. out of the corner of his eye, he saw george nod. "i'll have to leave in the morning to get your gift, though."

"then just come back after. duh," george rolled his eyes. sapnap laughed, and george would've melted if he wasn't sitting on the cold railing of his balcony.

the comforting atmosphere was gone, however, when a loud crash interrupted it. niki poked her head out of the glass sliding doors, a sheepish smile on her face. they could see minx yelling at someone as she stood over a pile of shattered glass.


"i got it," george sighed, swinging his legs over the side. niki nodded and went back in, george starting to follow, but nick's hand wrapped around george's wrist.

george turned, surprised to see sapnap standing a lot closer to him than before. so close, in fact, that if they leaned in just a bit more they'd be kissing. that thought must've crossed sapnap's mind as well, as sapnap dipped his head to press his lips to george's hesitantly, pulling away after a few seconds. sapnap took his hand away from george's wrist, starting to walk away.

"happy birthday, georgie."

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