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graduates flooded out of the hall, splitting into groups to find their families and loved ones. george stood with niki, dream and his family and fundy, and sapnap's family in the courtyard, waiting for punz and sapnap.

a body barreled into his, fluffy raven hair free from his cap soft against george's skin.

"we're free!!" sapnap yelled, spinning george around in his arms. george laughed, playfully pushing sapnap's face away when the younger boy tried to pepper him with kisses. sapnap finally caught george's lips between his, laughing happily with him.

"okay, okay! we have time for this later," george laughed, finally pushing sapnap away to his family. the raven was immediately showered with hugs and kisses and congratulations. george and fundy stood together, watching the two families with their sons.

"are we having a party?" ana asked on the car ride to george's (and sapnap's now) apartment.

"i dunno," george replied, more focused on the road.

"i've been invited to like three different ones," sapnap muttered.

"are you going to any of them?"

"nah. it's just a bunch of adults getting shitface drunk. i'd rather just stay in."

"then no," george said simply.

"what are you gonna do now?" george asked quietly, twirling sapnap's hair between his fingers.

"get a job with you at the cafe," sapnap mumbled in response, half of his face smushed in george's thigh. george scoffed.

"you went to college just to work at a cafe with me? waste of money."

sapnap sat up. "that's my day job, i guess. i want to program a game with dream, but obviously i have to help with rent and shit."

"oh. okay," george whispered. sapnap kissed him, slow like their first kiss.

"i love you," sapnap murmured into george's mouth.

"i love you too."

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