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One of the usual guards strolled into our cell block, passing each of our cells with a small smirk splayed on his face. I wanted to spit in it, to scream obscenities until my face was red. But the collar around my neck, the sister to Wanda's, reminded me of why I shouldn't. I had learned the hard way.

Tony had tried to negotiate our release when I was taken into custody and brought here, but Ross had pretty much laughed in his face. There would be no jury, no trials, and no justice for us. We would be stuck in this hell hole indefinitely. The thought made me sick, but this was the price for Tony, Steve, and Bucky's freedom. I had been more than willing to pay.

At first, they had tried sticking me in solitary confinement on the same level as Wanda. They had only slapped the same type of cuffs Hydra had used once before on my wrists. Probably thought it was smart to keep the magic users together. That had been a mistake.

One look at Wanda in her cell as we were passing and my stomach lurched. She wouldn't even look up at me; she was bound in a strait jacket with a collar blinking around her neck. I didn't want to know what they had done to subdue her to even get those on. Wanda didn't deserve this, to be treated like a monster, less than human.

It caused me to snap. I couldn't use my powers, but they had made the mistake of leaving my hands and feet moveable. One of the men holding onto me smacked into the wall as I shoved him violently. Before the one on the other side could react, I punched him in the jaw, temporarily stunning him. I lashed out with my foot, knocking him to the ground.

An arm wrapped around my neck and squeezed, cutting off my air supply. I rammed my head back, practically beaming in satisfaction as I heard bone crunch. His grip lightened, and I was able to stumble away. Blood ran freely from his broken nose as he glared at me. Two more guards came dashing into the containment block.

I held them off for several minutes, but eventually one of them smartened up. I gasped in shock as a jolt of pain coursed through my body, every muscle contracting and spasming as if they were going to snap. My knees hit the floor, my body stunned and unable to move. Somebody shoved me down, and I attempted to turn over, my arms screaming at me while I did. They pinned me down as a woman approached with one of those collars.

My breathing turned erratic at the sight of it and I began panicking. I thrashed in their grip, trying anything to get free, but I was tired and sore. They had gotten several good hits in and the taser's after affect wasn't helping. And no magic to help me either. I screamed for them to stop, hurling threats and insults pointlessly. The cool metal clicked into place and something in me died at the sound.

I was dragged to my feet and wobbled unsteadily, glancing over at Wanda once more. She was staring, wide-eyed. Wanda opened her mouth to say something, but never had the chance. A jolt passed through her collar, snapping her mouth shut and she whimpered in pain. The woman smirked as she turned around to leave. Red tinged my vision instantly.

"You stupid bitch! I'm going to kill you," I hissed, lunging for her, despite the amount of people between us. The collar shocked me immediately, forcing me to stop in my tracks. I clawed at it relentlessly, but as soon as the current jolt faded, another would come in its place. I was still being held up by my elbows and the woman approached me lazily.

"You don't make the rules here. You won't move, speak, or even breathe without permission. You're dangerous, a criminal, and you'll behave or else this is how you'll be dealt with. I don't give a rat's ass if your last name is Stark. The sooner we get on the same page, the more comfortable you'll be," she smiled serenely at me, before addressing the two attached to me, "Separate her from the witch. I think it'll cause more issues to keep them together. Take her down with the others. Let her be an example."

With that she had sauntered away, clearly the one in charge when Ross wasn't here. I think I preferred Ross. The whole way down I kept struggling, hoping to get free, but the shocks didn't let up until I passed out. I had awoken in a different block, in a cell near the other three. Clint, Sam, and Scott seemed fine other than being battle worn from the airport.

That had been three days ago. These had been the three longest days of my life. I didn't speak to others in fear of the damn thing around my neck, and I barely moved from my cot. A small luxury that Wanda hadn't been given. The anger was still there but buried down under the complacent apathy that was more than willing to take the forefront of what I felt.

The guard finally left, and I internally sighed in relief. No one had come to take me to the room. Just thinking about it caused my body to shake in response. Sam glared after him or a moment before glancing over at me like he did every time someone made their rounds. It was a scare tactic, probably just to torture me and piss off the others.

They wanted to know where Steve and Bucky were and being Steve's fiancé, they assumed I knew. Of course, l had a pretty good idea, but not that I'd ever tell them that, consequences be damned. And the consequences were displayed all over my body. That's why I had gotten cuffs instead of a strait jacket. So, they could try and get information from me without fearing for their lives. Cowards.

The only time I saw the woman was when she'd briefly make an appearance during our "sessions", but all she did was watch for a few minutes before leaving again. I knew she was behind every bit of the pain they inflicted. God, I wanted to freeze her from the inside out. To repay every ounce of cruelty and malice she had shown to me, to Wanda. And on top of everything else, I was dragged back here afterwards, bloody and bruised. Showcasing their gifts for the guys. To remind them to stay in line. It was humiliating.

Pushing all thoughts away, I laid my head down, forcing myself to try and sleep. Eventually, I did. A dreamless sleep in a place full of nightmares. It didn't last long enough, though. I sprung awake when my cell door slid open and two guards stood there, waiting. My blood ran cold. It was time for my daily dose of horror.

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