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I grabbed my jacket, pistol, and an earpiece from the supply room and made my way upstairs. Steve was sitting alone on the stairs, patiently waiting. I approached hesitantly, sure he was still upset. He glanced up at me and a wry smile crept onto his face, catching me off guard.

"Something amusing?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow in surprise. I waited for the axe to fall, for him to show how angry he really was.

"I thought at some point you'd stop surprising me, but you still do," he mused, moving over so that I could sit. I plopped down beside him and chuckled.

"You should've known better when dating a Stark," I teased, but turned serious, "You believe it was wrong, but it was the right thing to do. We need the help, and he's the best way to take down Ultron. Tony learns from his mistakes; he wouldn't have tried this if he wasn't confident that it would turn out different."

Steve stared at me for a moment in silence and nodded his head slowly. "He's your family. I'm sure you'd help and protect him even if he was wrong. Which I'm not saying is a terrible thing," he added quickly when seeing my face twist up to argue, "Everyone needs someone who would go to the end of the line for them. And I'm glad Tony has you."

"You have me too ya know," I grinned, elbowing him lightly and leaning into his side.

"I know, but I'm sure under the right circumstances that could change," he said, looking down with a small, sad smile. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and I opened my mouth to question what he meant, but the team started to slowly trickle in. I'd have to bring it back up later.

Everyone was quiet and serious as they passed by. Both of the twins had decided to join us, and I hoped that they wouldn't disappoint or turn on us. Tony stopped in front of us, carrying a small box under his arms, and sighed.

"No way we all get through this. If even one tin soldier is left standing, we've lost. It's gonna be blood on the floor," Tony told us gravely.

"We've got no plans tomorrow night," Steve said jokingly. I rolled my eyes and snorted.

"I get first crack at the big guy. Iron Man's the one he's waiting for."

"That's true, he hates you the most," Vision agreed as he swept by us. I choked on my laughter and bit my lip, watching Tony slowly turn to give me the evil eye. Still looking hostile, he handed me the box in his hands.

"What's this?" I asked, looking inside. I reached in and pulled out a black and blue suit.

It was a full body suit, made out of what I was sure was carbon fiber. There were subtle pale, blue designs and trims to accent the black. There were also matching blue protective plates for all the standard body parts you'd want covered. It had a Queen Anne collar and neckline, giving it a feminine touch. Plus, it had the thigh high boots and the utility belt to match as well. I had to admit Tony knew me well; if I was going to wear a suit, this is what I'd wear.

"Tony... you know I don't want-" I started to say, but he cut me off.

"No, please wear it. I've been designing it for a while and wanted to wait until it was perfect before giving it to you. You've fought me on it this whole time, but I'll feel better knowing you're more protected in this than your street clothes," he pled.

"These aren't my street clothes," I muttered under my breath. He kept staring at me with pleading, puppy dog eyes. I tossed my head back in defeat and groaned dramatically.

"Fine!" I sighed, trudging back to change quickly. Once I had the suit on, I had to admit it looked good even if I did feel ridiculous. It wasn't as tacky as I thought it would be and the thick material would offer more protection while keeping my range of motion open. I tossed my hair into a high ponytail and made my way back to the jet.

Everyone was seated and ready to go. The ramp closed behind me and I took the seat next to Bruce since Tony and Clint would be piloting. Tony glanced over and grinned triumphantly. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, leaning back in my seat.

"That's new," Bruce commented, obviously enjoying my discomfort. I gave him a pointed look but didn't say anything. Steve turned around and his eyes went wide as he took in the sight of me.

"Wow. Good job Tony," he blurted, going slightly red. Clint chuckled and began to lift off. I buried my head in my hands and waited for Steve to address the team. We would need a hell of a good pep talk before heading into whatever Ultron had planned.

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