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Steve and I climbed out of the cab in front of the hospital where he had left the flash drive. He insisted on coming back to get it, despite my protesting. I had run into the closest store and grabbed different clothes for us so that we wouldn't stick out as much. But checking him out as we walked, I knew he would probably be noticed easily. Who wouldn't notice him?

He was wearing jeans, a T-shirt, hoodie and a jacket on top of that. To top it off, he had on a baseball cap and fake glasses, but his frame and the way he carried himself made him anything but inconspicuous. I had grabbed a pair of athletic leggings and a tank. I threw a jacket on top of that and a hat, much to my disliking.

"I'll run inside and grab it. I'll be fast," he told me, dashing towards the entrance.

"I'll try and find a car I guess," I called lamely after him. Eyeing the car garage, I headed in that direction, not sure what I was going to do. We couldn't keep taking cabs in fear of being recognized. Being wanted fugitives and everything. Tony was going to spaz.

I easily snuck inside the garage and started prowling for an inconspicuous vehicle. The garage was silent until I made it up to the third floor. There was a man getting out of his truck. Thinking fast, I ran up to him and put on the most charming smile I could muster.

"Hey! Sorry to bother you, but would it be possible for me to buy your truck from you?" I asked, knowing how crazy I sounded. I really didn't want to steal someone's car.

"Excuse me?" he said incredulously, turning to face me. Recognition dawned on his face; he was definitely listening now. Damnit. So much for sneaky.

"I'll wire the money to you right now. How about two hundred for the trouble?" I offered, pulling out my phone and bringing up my bank account. My inheritance was good for something at least.

"Two hundred?! This is a brand-new truck-" he began to protest, and I shook my head.

"Grand," I corrected.

"Grand..." he breathed, his eyes growing in astonishment. He nodded excitedly. I handed him the phone, so he could input his information. When he handed it back to me, I sent the transfer through and told him to check his account.

"Oh my god. Thank you," he exclaimed, looking down at his phone. He handed me the keys and crushed me in an embrace.

"You're welcome. Let's just keep this discreet," I huffed out and pulled away, giving him a small smile. He bobbed his head in agreement and happily strolled away. I climbed into the truck and backed out of the parking spot with ease. I made it to the ground floor and through the gate and parked on the side of the street, waiting for Steve.

I was slouched down in my seat and checking my mirrors continuously, paranoid of being spotted. Finally, he came out the doors and walked past the truck, looking around for me. I honked the horn before he could get too far, and he whirled around, squinting his eyes at the vehicle.

"How did you manage to get this?" he asked suspiciously, climbing into the passenger seat.

"I bought it," I admitted slyly.

"Someone willingly sold you their truck? Actually, I don't know why I'm surprised," he shook his head, chuckling.

"Well, it's not like I had time to hot wire a car! Someone would have seen me!" I puffed, crossing my arms and pouting playfully.

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