The Trident of Poseidon

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It had been months since I'd been spotted in New York. I had stayed out of sight and out of trouble to Stephen's relief. Not that I really had a choice in the matter. If I stepped foot in New York, I was sure to be caught.

The scars on my back had faded some after they healed, but there were still angry claw marks that traced across. Somehow, they had missed my tattoo. Stephen had done everything he knew to do with what he had, and I knew he wished he could have done more. I had assured him time and time again that the scars really didn't bother me, which was the truth.

Chase hasn't mentioned that night since. He didn't need to though, since it had been all over the news. We had to start meeting at his apartment because of it. It was too risky to go back to the bar now.

I stepped out into the chilled air, the sky dark and threatening more snow. Stephen was waiting for me in the courtyard as planned. These fighting practice sessions were my favorite. He took his fighting stance; I just stared at his robes in jealousy.

"Distracted already?" he taunted, waiting for me to ready myself. I snorted, grinning as I swiped my hand in front of myself. It was time to be done with these ugly robes. The conjuration spell worked, and they changed before my eyes.

They became form fitting, changing from the boring white to blue and silver. Instead of more traditional robes, they transformed into a pointed tunic and leather pants. In place of slippers, were thigh-high boots and long fingerless gloves, with leather straps that cross-crossed over my torso.

"You aren't the only one who should have fancy sorcerer clothing," I shrugged, content with myself. He rolled his eyes, but I could tell he was just as amused.

"Can we actually practice now?"

"I didn't realize you were in a hurry to lose, my bad," I quipped.

He wasted no more time, and we engaged with each other. It seemed to be one of the longest spars we'd had thus far. The training was finally paying off.

I noticed an opening and took it, thrusting my mandala up to his neck. He didn't move, eyeing the disk in front of him. A victorious grin spread across my face, and I waited for him to concede.

"You win," he finally said, a hint of pride in his eyes, "Don't expect that to be an everyday occurrence." I gave him a pointed look and straightened up, the mandala shields dissolving. I bowed with an extravagant flourish to the onlookers around us, to Stephen's utter annoyance.

"So can we work on telekinesis now?" I practically bounced on my heels in anticipation. It was one of the things I had yet to master and held the greatest interest to me. Though Stephen had informed me, not everyone could learn it so easily. Not that I cared about that, I was determined.

He blew out a breath of air as if he knew that would be what came out of my mouth all along, "Yes, yes. Let's go inside where you won't hurt anyone."

I narrowed my eyes at the words but kept silent. It had been one time. And Wong had been fine, pleading with me to stop apologizing every time we passed one another.

He led us into one of the relic storage rooms, waving his hand in invitation. My face contorted in frustration as I gave him the side eye.

"Mhmm, do you think you could explain it a little better that just- here go at it" I asked flatly, crossing my arms. He smirked and shook his head.

"I want to see you at least try first, so I know where to start."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and did as he asked. Concentrating, I focused on an antique looking vase, opting to ignore the sharper objects in the room. Sweat beaded on my forehead from the strain I put into it, but nothing.

"This isn't working-"

Suddenly, something flew off the wall, aiming straight for me. My eyes went wide, and I ducked, nearly avoiding being skewered. Stephen sidestepped it and stared at me in wonder. It was a beautiful, silver trident, adorned with a single blue jewel on each fork.

"I'm assuming that wasn't what you were going for, but still impressive for a first try."

"That wasn't me!" I denied, unsure if it had been or not. Understanding dawned on his face and he motioned for me to pick it up.

I stared at him incredulously, "Oh, hell no. That thing just tried to kill me; it's possessed."

He rolled his eyes and pointed to it, "Just do it, Melanie."

Against my better judgement, I cautiously approached it. As I leaned over to grasp it, it began to vibrate, a soft glow emitting from the jewels. My hand froze as I looked on curiously. My fingers finally wrapped around it, and a burst of power flooded into me. I almost dropped it in surprise, but tightened my grip instead, letting the feeling wash over me.

"Are you going to explain what's going on?"

"It's your relic now. It chose you," he informed me simply. I twirled it in my hand easily, trying to think if I had read anything on it.

"What is it? And do not just say a trident," I tacked on hastily, not wanting the snarky answer.

"It's the Trident of Poseidon."

"What? Like, actually Poseidon's trident? He was real?"

"I doubt he was, but that's what this weapon has been called for centuries. It has been wielded by several great sorcerers over the years. You should be honored it chose you," he said.

I took a calming breath and admired the beauty of it. Upright, the trident was slightly taller than me, but it was light enough that it wouldn't be an issue.

"So, I can assume this would enhance my own my powers, right? It would have given the wielder control over water. Though, I'm sure it would be just as effective if someone ended up on the pointy side of it," I mused, wiggly my eyebrows. He rolled his eyes and wandered back out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I demanded, peeking around the corner after him.

He glanced back over his shoulder saying, "Back outside. You'll have to learn how to use it and I don't want to be stuck in a small room with you."

I scowled and followed him, careful not to smack my new relic off of anything on the way. Guess we'd work on the telekinesis later then.

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