Can't Get Away Even When I Try

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Three men approached slowly, wide smiles framing their faces. I halted in my tracks, refusing to lead them back to the hotel. They circled me so that both directions were blocked, and they came to a stop too. I wasn't sober enough for this.

"Can I help you?" I gritted, my eyes bouncing between them.

"We just couldn't help but overhear your conversation in the bar earlier. Had to see for ourselves if it was true. You are Melanie Stark," the blonde one grinned, stepping closer to me. His accent clearly revealed that they were American. I groaned internally. Of course, this was my luck.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. If you don't mind, I'll be on my way," I dismissed him, attempting to shove past the brunette in my way. He stepped in front of me and cocked his head to the side like it was a game. I stumbled back, everything slightly tilting and throwing me off. My patience was beginning to wear thin.

"There's money to be made tonight. I'm reckoning we'd get a hefty price for someone like you."

My blood ran cold, and the fog cleared from my mind instantly. Sell... Like trafficking. Like hell that was happening.

"You know who I am. Do you really think I'll let that happen?" I sneered with a promising grin.

"Well if you attack us with your gifts," the blonde spat, "you'll give yourself away. I doubt you wanna do that. Plus, you've been drinking; that gives us the advantage."

He wasn't wrong on either point, but that didn't mean I was going to let it happen with my tail between my legs. The quiet one suddenly lunged forward, death gripping my arm. I grabbed ahold of his head and whirled us around, smashing him into the stone wall. It took a great deal of effort to not puke from the motion.

I stumbled as I was shoved from the side, but I miraculously regained my footing. The blonde cursed loudly when I landed a hit to his jaw and whipped his head to the side. I swore to myself that I was never going to drink again. It wasn't worth this.

They kept pushing closer to me, and I was grabbed from behind. We fell to the ground as I twisted to get out of the grip. Immediately, I lunged forward and just started lashing on the culprit. Blood gushed from the damage to the brunette's face, and he fell unconscious. I was ripped violently off, and the blonde straddled me, holding me down. My vision went spotty as he punched me over and over.

"Go get the car," he barked at his friend.

I tried to maneuver myself out from under him. Desperately, I threw my elbow out and clipped him in the jaw, giving me the slack that I needed. I knocked him off and clambered to my feet unsteadily. My hand shakily rose; screw staying hidden. He froze as he straightened himself upright, glancing behind me wide-eyed before turning back to me.

"Done already? Low stamina is a common problem in men, so don't feel too bad" I goaded, wanting him to do something stupid. His eyes narrowed and he darted for me. I charged into him, slamming him into the wall. Ice snaked around his limbs, trapping him to the building. A wicked smile crept onto my face, and I was ready to make another snarky comment when a new voice spoke.

"Why can't you Starks ever seem to stay out of trouble? I'm not fond of cleaning up other people's messes," he sighed, and I whipped my head around. The man was a sight to behold. Black hair with white streaks around the temples and serious grey eyes that seemed to see right through me. He was adorned with blue robes and a striking red cape. He didn't appear to be a native, but dressed like that... Where the hell had he come from?

"Hey man, help a guy out. This crazy lady just went ballistic-" the blonde began rambling, trying to appear innocent. I spun on him once again, ready to force him to shut it. In my peripheral, I saw the strange man wave his arm, accompanied by an orange glow. The magic around my attacker vanished, releasing him.

"Hey! You better-" I protested but was cut off by an orange ring creating a hole in the sky. My mouth popped open as the other guy fell out of it, screaming and shouting in fear. He laid on the ground a blubbering mess and the blonde stared in horror.

"I suggest you don't come back and keep this encounter to yourselves if you know what's good for you," the man directed the two, not giving them a chance to respond. He motioned at the unconscious one, forcing him to float to the other two. Another hole appeared beneath the three of them and they disappeared through it. The alley was painfully quiet once it closed back up, only leaving the two of us.

I stared at the man, still in shock and sputtered, "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Dr.Stephen Strange, master of the mystic arts. You're welcome by the way."

"I totally had that under control," I bit back, crossing my arms, "What kind of magic was that? Where did you come from? Where did they go?"

"It is Eldritch magic and they're no longer a problem. As for you- I should have known better than to think you wouldn't attract attention."

"Excuse me?" I growled, cocking my head to the side, "You don't even know me."

"No, but I've been keeping tabs on you, waiting for you to find Kamar-Taj."

"Kamar- who? What do you mean you've been "keeping tabs" on me?" I pressed, slightly disturbed.

"I saw that you would come to Kathmandu. Anyone can learn and study magic if they're dedicated enough, but few are naturally born with it."

"You're saying I was born with it? I already have magic," I argued in disbelief.

"No, you have powers. It's not the same as real magic. Spell casting, whatever phrase you want to use." he smirked.

"What does that have to do with you stalking me?" I tapped my foot impatiently. The corner of his mouth twitched in amusement.

"I have an offer for you. It's a waste not to teach a natural born sorcerer. With your advantages, you'd be an excellent student and we always need more protectors. If you accept, you'll have somewhere safe to stay out of trouble because no one can enter Kamar-Taj without permission. Which sounds like a good deal for a fugitive to me," he quipped, cocking a brow as he waited for an answer.

This was crazy. All of this was. Just when I thought I got away from the crazy... How did he know all of this? I bit my lip as my brain tried to wrap around everything he had said. I didn't need this magic... but part of me was curious. Itching to know more and ask a million questions.

What could it hurt? At least if he wasn't lying, I'd have somewhere safe to lie low and stop wasting my money on a hotel. Tony would go into cardiac arrest if he knew I was about to go off and live with some stranger magician on a whim.

"Okay, but just as a forewarning I have a lot of questions," I warned him with a small smile.

"Good thing I have answers," he chuckled, a similar smile appearing.

He made a circular motion with his arm, and I could clearly make out a peaceful courtyard on the other end. It was a portal. I barely managed to keep my excitement contained as he motioned me forward. I cautiously stepped through, my breath taken away, as I came out the other side.

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