Good for Nothing

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I swiped everything off my desk, cursing as I stared out the window in frustration. A week had gone past, and I hadn't found a thing about the illegal alien weapons. There was no indication of who had their hands in it. I had been using all my spare time after and before training to look into this.

I'd give anything to have Jarvis right about now. I just didn't have the resources or enough information to even look for anything useful. Standing from the chair, I stooped down to pick up my laptop and all the scattered papers strewn about.

There was that familiar sinking feeling, and I could feel myself spiraling. I knew what would make everything go away. With a small huff, I shoved the sling ring on and opened a portal without a second thought. I made my way into the too familiar building and plopped down in a bar stool, asking the bartender for a real drink. Her expression showed her surprise, but she obliged.

I took a long drink, savoring the burning feeling in my throat. Within seconds it was gone, and I signaled for another. So much for my sobriety. It didn't matter. It wasn't like I was actually helping anyone.

I trained day after day and put everything into mastering the mystic arts, yet I was still good for nothing. Why had I even been an Avenger in the first place? The second drink was gone just as fast as the first, and I asked her to keep them coming. What was the point?

"I'm taking it someone had a crap day," Chase whistled from behind me. I closed my eyes and cursed internally. I was not in the mood right now. "Don't tell me this has something to do with-"

I quickly cut him off, snapping, "Not everything has to do with him, alright? I'm allowed to feel what I want, when I want. It doesn't always have to have such a significant meaning behind it."

He flinched, and I instantly regretted being so harsh with him, but he sat beside me anyway. I noticed him wave the bartender off when she approached with another drink.

"I know that okay. I'm sorry. I just hate seeing you like this," he admitted, placing a hand on my back comfortingly. My hands shook as I covered my face, trying to sort through my own mind. Finally, I peered up at him and gave a weak smile.

"Thanks. You-" I stopped abruptly when the phone in my pocket buzzed unexpectedly. Not caring I had been in the middle of a sentence, I yanked it out and read the message from Peter.

Oh no. He figured out who the dealer was, and he was going after Tony's tech that was being moved tonight. My fingers flew across the keypad as I responded and told him to wait.

"Uhm- I have to go. There's an emergency. Sorry, thank you. We'll talk later yeah?" I rambled to Chase, darting out the door and leaving him behind, bewildered. Once I was alone, I opened a portal that led to the outside of Stark Tower. I prayed that Peter had listened.


The jet had already taken off and was well on its way when I arrived. The spiderling was nowhere to be seen, and I cursed loudly. Off in the distance I watched as the jet suddenly banked, heading back from over the water. It went down, an explosion lighting up the night sky.

It looked to be over the beach, and I quickly made another portal, coming out onto the sandy shore near the pier. Fire raged everywhere as I maneuvered through the scattered pieces of metal.

"PETER!" I called, trying to spot him in the rubble. He had to be here. I cut around a larger piece of metal and flew across the sand as fast as my feet would carry me. Peter was here and so was that Vulture. He had Peter in his talons, crushing him into the ground over and over.

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