Barbecue and Tequila

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There were too many people prowling around the tower. It was making me antsy. Tony didn't normally throw a party for the fourth, but he was adamant about it this year. All the Avengers had been invited, and somehow Tony had managed to track down Thor and Bruce as well.

Tony had gone overboard, hiring caterers to barbecue, several bartenders, and he had the tower decked out in red, white, and blue. I figured he was just having attention withdraws, since Pepper has been busy running the company.

Arms snaked around my waist and a soft peck was planted on top of my head, catching my attention. I titled my head back and grinned up at Steve. Whirling around, I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Took you long enough to get here," I pouted.

"The barbecue only started a little bit ago!" he exclaimed.

"It feels like it's been hours already," I groaned dramatically. He chuckled and pointed to my glass.

"Is that your first drink?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and replied evenly, "It's my second, thank you very much."

"You know I don't plan on dragging you out of here if you get too wild again. You'll be on your own," he said with a smirk. I didn't need reminding of the time we went out for drinks, and I had a few too many. I had been mortified the next morning.

"I'm sorry, not all of us can have a super metabolism that prevents you from having a good time," I teased, shrugging my shoulders. He rolled his eyes and strolled past me, brushing against me. I knew he was just trying to get a reaction out of me, so I grabbed his arm and yanked him back to me, pulling him down and kissing him passionately.

He kissed back just as rough, pulling me closer and leaving his arm around my waist. I gently tugged at his bottom lip with my teeth, and he groaned quietly, only so that I could hear. Once we broke apart, I smirked up at him in triumph.

"Get a room!" Tony called from upstairs, staring down at us in feigned disgust. We both laughed awkwardly and waved to him.

"I think we might need to start bringing popcorn if this is how it always is around these two," Natasha told Clint in a hushed voice as they approached us. Steve's mouth twitched, and I shook my head in exasperation.

"Popcorn? You know I prefer the cookie dough bites," Clint whispered, putting on a hurt face. Nat just rolled her eyes.

"I can't deal with you people," I giggled, plopping onto a sofa several feet away. I threw the rest of my drink back and placed the empty glass on the table. Steve sat down beside me, intertwining his fingers with mine. Clint and Natasha sat across from us on the other couch, talking quietly to each other.

"Are we going back to your place tonight?" Steve whispered to me.

"We can, but I drove all the way here, so you'd have to endure a long car ride with me," I joked, leaning into his side.

"I've survived so far," he teased, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I scoffed and elbowed him. Natasha came over and sat down beside me, grinning mischievously.

"So, have you two got it on yet?" she whispered, trying to muffle her laughter. Steve turned red and dropped his face into his hands. I jumped up from my seat, sticking my tongue out at Clint, who was practically doubled over in laughter.

"I'm getting another drink," I hissed at them before storming off to the bar. This made the pair laugh even louder and I just rolled my eyes, ignoring them. Children. It was none of their business.

I hopped up onto one of the bar stools and ordered another margarita. The bartender nodded and quickly made my drink, sliding it to me when he was finished. I took a sip and felt a hand rest on my shoulder.

"Lady Melanie, you look well. It has been too long!" Thor greeted me cheerfully.

"Thor! How are you? I've missed you," I squealed, jumping up to give him a bear hug. We broke apart, and he took the seat next to mine.

"I will have whatever the lady is having," he told the bartender before turning to face me.

"Where's Jane?" I asked curiously, slightly disappointed that she hadn't come as well. He chuckled and took a swig of his drink, nodding appreciatively.

"Ah- She's working on the convergence," he told me proudly. I nodded, taking another sip.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that. Her work is phenomenal. I was relieved to hear that she was okay after everything that happened," I said, shaking my head in disbelief. The attack in London had been a shock, but it had been dealt with quickly. S.H.I.E.L.D never even had a chance to intervene.

"Me too," he sighed, a wide smile spreading across his face. You could just see how much he loved her by the way he radiated when he spoke of her. It was heartwarming.

"Thor!" Steve called happily, walking over so that they could clasp hands.

"Steve!" Thor bellowed excitedly. Steve stood beside me, resting his arm around my waist and exchanging small talk.

"I am glad to see the two of you together. It seems like you are a good match," Thor observed, looking between the two of us.

"I think we are," Steve agreed, beaming down at me. I smiled back and stretched so that I could kiss his cheek.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the food is ready, so help yourselves! And don't forget to stay for the fireworks tonight. Courtesy of myself and Miss Potts, who sadly couldn't join us tonight," Tony called from across the room, hands out in invitation.

"Well, I will see you two later. The food is calling to me," Thor chuckled, rushing out to the balcony to beat the small crowd making their way out. I caught the bartender's attention and held up my finger for another. Steve took Thor's seat as I picked up my new drink. Before the rim could even make contact with my lips, it was snatched from my hand.

"Hey!" I protested, turning to see who I was gonna throttle. Tony was there, holding my glass and fuming.

"Don't you think you should slow it down?" he chastised. My eyes narrowed, and I folded my arms across my chest. Steve sighed, knowing what was coming.

"I think that I'm a grown adult who can make her own decisions. I'm fine; I'm not even buzzed," I huffed. He took in my expression and his face softened a little.

"I just don't want the past to repeat itself," he admitted, placing a hand on my arm. It was true that I had an alcohol problem during my sophomore year of college, but that was years ago.

"Tony, I'm fine. I wouldn't put any of us through that again," I persisted. He pursed his lips and sighed, handing the glass back to me.

"You're right. I trust your judgement, but I just worry about you, kid. I'm sorry," he apologized, kissing my cheek and roughly tousling my hair.

"Tony!" I groaned, swatting his hand away, "Can you not?" He laughed lightheartedly and strolled towards a group of guests. Steve chuckled, and I peered unhappily at him.

"About that-" I tried to explain, but he cut me off.

"I already knew," he admitted, I cocked an eyebrow in surprise, and he quickly explained, "It was in your file at Dr. Clerk's place."

"Oh. It doesn't bother you that I could fall off the wagon at any given moment?" I questioned, even though I had just lectured Tony for doubting me. I wouldn't blame him.

"No, because I have faith that you won't. You're stronger than that," he told me confidently. The corner of my mouth twitched upwards, and I rested my forehead against his.

"Thank you."

"Anytime, baby."

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