The Gift

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The rain was soothing as it hit against the windows, and I pulled the blanket even tighter around me. I flipped the page of my book, eating up the words. The nook in our room at the compound was my favorite spot and Steve had made sure our new home had one.

We had found a charming farm along the Hudson, modern enough for my taste, but plenty of land for Steve. We had argued for months about it until finally we compromised. He didn't care as long as it was under the budget we had agreed to. Well, begrudgingly on my part.

Steve came around the corner, coffee cup in hand and a small smile on his face. I glanced up from my book and moved over so that he could squeeze in; it was surprisingly big enough that we could both crawl in and spread out. He settled in and gazed out the window in contentment.

"It's peaceful here. I don't think I'll ever tire of it," I murmured.

"Me either."

I paused to set my book aside before hesitantly asking, "Are you happy? Truly? After everything we've lost? It doesn't feel wrong?"

His eyes met mine as he carefully set his cup down next to him. I bit my lip, wishing I hadn't said anything.

"Of course, I am. I miss our friends more than I'll ever be able to express, but there's nothing that will change what happened. I have you. You make me happy," he waved an arm around us as he said, "After I came out of the ice, I never thought I'd have this. Any of it."

His words were almost exactly the same as Tony's after Morgan was born. A lot of the time when I looked around at what we had, a guilty knot tended to form in the pit of my stomach. I didn't understand how he could still be so optimistic after losing Bucky. If I had lost Tony... I don't think I'd even be functioning.

"You should be a motivational speaker," I teased, lightening the mood after I had so quickly darkened it. He snorted and picked his cup back up to take a long drink.

The rain still hadn't let up, but I didn't mind. Neither would my neglected garden. Pepper had given me a book on gardening when I mentioned a faint interest, but I was a green, leafy killer. She'd be horrified if she ever saw the half dead plants outback.

My legs were draped across Steve's, his hand resting there as I continued on with my book. He often sat with me while I read. I think we both found comfort just being in each other's company. There was a knock on the front door, and I peered in that direction curiously.

"Was Natasha coming today?" I wondered, rattling my brain to remember.

"No, she's out of town for another two days."

"Oh, right."

I tossed the book and blanket aside and crawled across his lap, getting to my feet. Very few people knew where we lived now. My bare feet padded across the hardwood as I casually strolled from the library and down the hall to the front door. I peeked out the window and opened the door.

I stared at the delivery man in front of me and furrowed my brows in confusion. There was a large truck in the driveway and three other men in the cab. What the hell?

"Uh- can I help you?"

"I have a delivery scheduled for today. If you can just sign for it, we'll unload it wherever you'd like," he answered, attempting to hand me a clipboard.

I shook my head and said, "I think you have the wrong house. There isn't anything that should be getting delivered here."

He cocked a dark brow, and pointed to the paperwork, looking me over. "You're Melanie Stark, right?"

"Yeah, but I'm telling you-"

"Who's asking?" Steve interjected, appearing behind me. The guy glanced at Steve in awe for a moment but snapped out of it.

"I was just telling Miss Stark if she'd sign for this, we'd be out of your hair in no time."

I huffed, quickly growing agitated, "And I told you that you have the wrong house and person."

"Mr. Stark was very clear that it was to be delivered today. To this address."

I had opened my mouth to argue further, but snapped it shut as I realized what he had said. Steve and I exchanged a glance. There was no telling what Tony was up to. I took the board and scratched my signature quickly, handing it back to the guy.

"Where do you want it?"

I didn't even know what it was. Good lord.

"The living room is fine," I sighed, opening the door wider to point where the entry was. He nodded and trotted back to the truck. I moved to the living room, Steve following close behind.

"Before you ask- I have no idea," I told him, plopping onto the couch. He leaned against the doorframe, waiting to see if they'd need help with whatever it was. I was gonna kick Tony if it was some kind of joke. There was shuffling from the hall and the sound of wheels rolling across the floor.

"Watch the corner," one of them warned.

They pushed the large object into the room, and I froze, blinking in disbelief. Steve moved to my side, and I slowly pushed myself up from the couch.

"Is that..." Steve trailed off in surprise.

I nodded, and Steve pointed to the open space across the room for them to set it up.

"My mother's piano," I murmured, completely in awe of what Tony had done. I had assumed it had disappeared with most of my other belongings when we were fugitives. He hadn't mentioned that he had it this whole time. I blinked back tears and took a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his hand resting on the small of my back.

"Yeah- I just thought it was gone. I don't even know what to say."

The original man I had spoke to seemed to remember something and handed me a small envelope from his jacket. I took it wordlessly and ripped it open. It was a note from Tony that read:


I've been hanging on to this until the right moment, but I'm impatient and I want you to have it. You suck at gardening and probably any other hobby you're thinking of trying. Stick to what you're good at kid. Mom would want you to play. Plus, Morgan will need a competent teacher soon.

Your kickass brother,


I grinned as I finished reading the note, glancing up at Steve in delight. His expression reflected mine, and he planted a kiss on the top of my head. It was one of the best gifts Tony could have given me. God, I loved my brother.

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