The Last Sacrifice

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"Melanie, can I speak with you?" Dr. Cho called from the porch as I walked toward the tree line. I paused, turning back before I spoke.

"Can it wait for a bit? Steve is getting ready to return the stones."

She bit her lip and nodded saying, "Of course. My flight isn't until morning."

I left her there, wondering what she had found, but I wanted to see Steve off. Steve, Sam, Bucky, and Bruce were all just inside the tree line in a large clearing. Bruce was busy setting everything up from the control panel.

My stomach rolled as I approached them, wanting to get this over with. Steve smiled when I stopped in front of him, Bruce calling out that he was ready. I planted a kiss on Steve's cheek, knowing he'd be okay.

"I love you," I smiled, hoping he wouldn't notice the nervous energy that I was attempting to hide. If he did, he didn't say anything, probably just attributing it to his mission.

He picked up the case and said, "I love you, too. I'll only be gone for a few moments."

"I know."

Sam approached to tell him something before he left, and I hedged my way to the edge of the clearing. Bucky gave me a weird look but stayed where he was. When Steve had his back turned and Bruce began counting down, I slipped into the trees. I had to do it now while he was gone. Steve would never let me attempt what I was about to.

I focused on the scenery I had glimpsed years ago, opening a portal. Something told me this was the real reason I had seen Gamora's death so long ago, so that I could maybe use it later. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I stared out onto the vast terrain of Vormir. Without delay, I stepped through, letting the portal close behind me. Something jarred me from behind, and I whirled in surprise.

"Bucky- what the hell?!" I gasped, blinking at him in disbelief.

"What the hell are you doing?" he demanded, waving his arms at the mountain terrain around us. Snow fell softly around us, covering the mountain in a white blanket. It would be peaceful if it weren't for our loud outburst.

"Why did you follow me?"

"Well, you had this look on your face, and I had this feeling... And then you just disappeared as Steve was leaving which was odd. What are we doing here?"

I smirked at him and replied, "There is no we. You're going back so I can do what needs to be done."

"Ah- see, you are up to something. I'm coming with you."

"Uh- I don't think so."

"Look. Steve nearly lost it when he watched you almost die. Now you're here- doing God knows what- and I'm sure you just happened to forget to mention it to him. Cause it's not particularly safe right? So, what kind of best friend would I be if I let his girl do whatever this is, alone?"

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but flash a small smile of amusement. He was pretty convincing.

"I think I preferred the quieter version of you," I teased, moving up the mountain. I remembered where to go. Thanos had been right near the twin peaks at the top. That's where I needed to go. I just hoped this worked. Bucky kept close to my side, gazing around curiously.

"So..." he drawled, "what are you doing?"

"I'm gonna get Natasha back."

His eyes went wide, and his steps faltered at my words. When he realized I wasn't slowing down, he jogged to catch back up.

"Uh- you don't have the stone. Which, I think is the only way I can think of to get her back- and everyone said that wouldn't work anyway."

I gave him a pointed look but didn't say anything. If I told him- he might try and stop me, too. I had to try at least. Natasha deserved that. We arrived at the top and a figure materialized in front of us. My eyes met Red Skull's and his eyes lit up with recognition. Bucky whipped his head between the two of us in shock.

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