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I was leaving to meet with Killian when Steve sent me a text, letting me know he was on his way to the Triskelion. No mention of last night whatsoever. I rolled my eyes and replied, telling him about my meet up with Killian, before getting into my car and speeding out of the garage.

Killian had suggested we meet at the Blue Duck Tavern around noon. I had almost forgot about our brunch until he had texted me. I honestly didn't feel like going anymore, but I admit that I'm nosy.

Tony called first thing in that morning to let me know that Happy was still the same and he had just left the hospital. He forgot to mention the part where he threatened the Mandarin, daring him to come after him, which I had the pleasure of watching on tv while getting ready this morning.

I parked a little way down the street from the restaurant, glad I had worn comfortable heels and slacks. Once I made it inside, I gave the host my name and he escorted me to the table where Killian was already sitting.

"You look lovely," he told me as I approached, rising from his seat until I sat.

"Thank you," I replied carefully. He chuckled and said nothing. The restaurant was pleasant, and the food smelled amazing. Killian had already ordered mimosas for the both of us. We ordered and sat in awkward silence for several minutes. He kept glancing at the news playing on one of the T.Vs.

"So, Aldrich, where are you off to tonight?" I asked, trying to break the tension.

"Florida, for business," he replied vaguely. I nodded and took a sip of my drink, regretting my decision to come already. He broke his attention from the television and turned to smirk at me.

"You already knew that though, didn't you?" he asked, his expression hard and cold.

"What? No-"

"So, you weren't eavesdropping last night? That's a relief," he said sarcastically. I narrowed my eyes at him. I guess we were jumping right in.

"No. I never said I wasn't spying on you. I didn't hear much. So, what are you and the Vice President doing that you don't want anyone to know about?" I asked innocently, playing into his game. Before he could answer, the waiter brought our food to the table, and he waited for him to leave before speaking again.

"Nothing that concerns you. I thought you were different from Tony, but I guess I was wrong. You Starks are always sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. You're both too impulsive. Never thinking of how any decision you make affects anyone else around you," he sneered, keeping his voice low.

"Oh, I'm sorry that I didn't let you sneak around last night unhindered. I guess it's completely normal to take strolls down dark hallways and have secret meetings at charity balls. Completely my bad," I hissed back, my anger flaring. The air around us dropped in temperature by several, very noticeable degrees. I could see my breath in the air, so I reigned in my emotions, letting the air warm back up.

"You're going to lose control of yourself one day, and you're not going to know what to do. You've never had full control, have you?" he realized, mocking me. My anger spiked once again, and I shook my head in disgust. I didn't have to listen to this prick; he was obviously too hung up on the past.

"It was a pleasure Aldrich, I assure you," I snarled, standing up roughly. I wobbled, unbalanced, my vision blurring slightly, causing me to grip the edge of the table. I could hear him snickering, clearly amused. I looked up to see him staring at the television again.

I glanced over to see what he was so excited about and felt my heart drop into the pit of my stomach. Tony's house was on the news, being destroyed by helicopters. Both him and Pepper were supposed to be home. Without even looking at Killian, I stumbled off, my scattered emotions clouding my already foggy mind. Something was wrong; I could barely function.

I made my way into the lady's room and locked the door clumsily behind me, the lock frosting over from my touch. Ignoring it, I slumped against the sink, which also became a victim of my failed attempt to control myself, letting the tears cascade freely down my face. They had to be alright, they couldn't be gone. I couldn't lose my brother.

Breathing heavily now and still having trouble seeing properly, I wrestled my phone out of my pocket. I dialed Steve's number and waited for him to pick up. There was a knock on the door which I ignored. Steve didn't answer, and I tried again, praying he'd pick up this time.

The door banged open, and Killian strolled in, closing it once again. I backed up against the wall, not sure what the hell was going on. It was taking all my energy to just stand upright, and I was not in the mood for this maniac.

"What the hell, Aldrich? Get out," I growled at him, preparing to attempt and force him if needed.

"Melanie, I honestly didn't want to do this, but you've forced my hand. I was fine with just killing Tony, but you'll get in my way like he did," he sighed, stepping closer. I peeked over at my phone that I had dropped in surprise when he barged in. The call was active; Steve was listening. Realization from his words stopped me from feeling too much relief, though.

"You organized the attack to kill my brother?" I asked quietly, trying to focus on his blurry figure. Killian was working with the Mandarin.

"Yes-" he started to answer, but I lunged towards him, not wanting to hear him talk. I shakily tried to grab his neck, but he snatched my arms just as fast. There was heat and excruciating pain from where he grabbed and when I looked down, I could see his hands glowing red.

I tried to break free, but he was somehow stronger than me. I threw my elbow back, getting him in the ribs and causing his grip to loosen slightly, allowing me to stumble towards the door. Before I could make it, he grabbed my ponytail, yanking me back and throwing me against the wall.

I crumbled to the ground, my breathing ragged and labored. There was a loud pop, and my ears rang painfully. There was a painful, burning sensation in my abdomen and when I touched it, I could vaguely see blood. His figure crouched down in front of me, gloating.

"Sorry about this again-" he started to drone on, letting the weapon clatter to the floor, but I couldn't focus on his words. Everything was spinning. Killian gently caressed my face, bringing my attention back to him.

"You know, when I volunteered you for those experiments all those years ago... I had hoped you'd be the first successful Extremis subject. Just so that I could rub it in your smug, brother's face. Obviously, I was quite off the mark. You were still an interesting creation none the less. The organization was grateful for my contribution," he indulged me, sighing and dropping his hand. My mind began swirling.

"What organization?" I managed to croak out, fighting the urge to let go.

"I can't tell you that, but they agreed to pay me handsomely if I snagged someone and created a new enhanced person. They provided the funding for my experiments. I thought I had it right when we injected that first serum and I tried to correct it with a series of others, but you became... what you are now... You know they never told me how you escaped, but I think I'll let you take that to the grave," he finished, finally leaving.

I could no longer keep my eyes open and let them close, concentrating on staying awake. A coldness crept into me. It was the first time since I could remember that I had felt cold. I'm not sure how long I was lying there before I heard voices. Maybe I was imagining it, but one voice stood out. I struggled to speak, but I was falling into the darkness, echoes of my name following me.

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