At night

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 You knew you were in for it when you saw the look on his face

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You knew you were in for it when you saw the look on his face. You teased him all day in every way you knew, and now he wanted his turn. Yoongi sauntered up behind you, his hands running up your thighs and toying with the little flimsy robe you had on after your shower. You could feel how hard he was through his thin sweats, and the sight of him ogling your ass and slowly exposing you to him from your vantage point in the mirror got you wet so quickly. You were trying to get your hair to stay in the curls you attempted, and you being preoccupied with this was enough of an opportunity for Yoongi.

"Not now, Yoongi," you sigh, knowing you don't really mean it. He does, too.

"You're already wet, though." You flush at his statement, annoyed that he's right without even seeing or feeling you. Suddenly his finger is slipping between your legs, sliding through your slick lips and disappearing before you know it. You jump and open your mouth to scold him.

"See?" He smirks at you, sucking the finger between his lips. Your cheeks flush an obvious darker shade at his wonton display. He cocks his head to the side as if taunting you to try and ignore the throbbing ache in your core. His hands on your hips scrunch the flimsy fabric up over your hips, exposing your bare ass to him.

"Just let me play with you while you finish your hair." He knows you won't be able to focus with him toying with you, but he likes watching you crumble at his touch. Your hands grip the sink's rim as he kneads your ass, spreading you for him as he hisses and makes soft, lewd comments in your ear. Then his cock is at your entrance, the head nudging just barely at your needy flesh. He flicks an eye up to your gaze in the mirror. You nod just a little, and then his cock sinks into you, pushing you up on your toes as he fills you up. Your mouth opens and you can't look away from the lusty, glazed look in your eye. Your reflection is intoxicating, your skin flushed with need, your robe falling open, and Yoongi pressed tightly behind you, his hands hungrily roaming your your body. You squirm, trying to move your hips from where his hips have pinned you against the cold counter, the curve of his cock stretching you just right.

"Not yet, Y/N," he taunts, brushing a fallen chunk of hair out of your eyes.

"Finish your hair first."

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