Jung Hoseok

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You and Hoseok have been dating for a few months and have had sex plenty of times already, but you've been hesitant to let him know just how kinky you are

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You and Hoseok have been dating for a few months and have had sex plenty of times already, but you've been hesitant to let him know just how kinky you are. You get a sense he knows there's something there, and he's definitely not shy about pushing your boundaries and being kinky himself, but he loves to tease you and call you his "little vanilla princess". He was mocking you tonight about your face turning red when he mentioned having to spank you for being a naughty little tease. He pushed it and got you really flushed when he made you admit that you like teasing him and enjoy getting him all worked up. What you didn't admit to him was his idea that you couldn't follow through, and that you always gave in to him. That was just plain wrong, and boy was he going to get it.

He had left the room chuckling when he had to take a phone call, giving your ass a squeeze as he walked away. You were pissed, but mostly determined to show him you were kinkier than he thought. You waited a few minutes before following him to the bedroom where he was standing in front of the window, phone pressed to his ear. You walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around him, letting your hands run up and down his torso as you hugged him from behind. He hummed agreements on the phone as someone talked his ear off on the other end. You looked up as he leaned over his shoulder, eyes connecting with yours. He smirked and tipped the phone away from his mouth and said quietly,

"I knew you couldn't follow through. Not much of a tease, huh, my little vanilla princess?" he chuckled quietly, rubbing his free hand over one of yours, still wrapped around his stomach. Suddenly you slipped your hand lower, rubbing warm circles lower and lower on his torso, letting your nails tease gently over the fabric of his jeans. He sighed and shot you a look like "Yeah right." but you weren't even close to done yet. One hand snaked up under his white t shirt, tracing back and forth with gentle rubs of your fingers and light scratches of your nails, one of his weaknesses. The other hand moved lower and confidently palmed his bulge through his jeans. His eyes widened and he swallowed hard, looking over his shoulder back at you with a bit of a concerned look in his eye. You smiled back up at him sweetly and rubbed him firmly, gripping his hardening cock and jerking him gently. He sighed a breathy sigh before catching himself and clearing his throat, responding briefly to the person on the other end of his call.

"This is not what I meant!" he hissed at you in a whisper, but all the while loving your grip on him. You slip a hand past the waist of his jeans and boxers, palming him firmly and placing little love bites on his back. He bit his lip and pushed his hips forward into your hand, unable to let out the moans he desperately wanted to. Your other hand slipped down to pop the button on his pants and push them down just over his hips, freeing his cock for your hands to play with. He grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand off him, looking back at you with a warning laced with lust. You smirked up at him and circled in front of him, running a finger up his hard length, making him fake another cough to hide a breathy grunt. You stepped back once until the back of your legs hit the wide window ledge. Keeping eye contact with him, you slide down the window until you were seated on the edge, and spread your legs slowly, making sure he was watching your seductive little show.

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