Kim seokjin

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Jin is so sweet to you that sometimes you wish he would find little things about you to be annoyed by. And who knows! Maybe he does and is just better at hiding it than you are. I mean it's pretty fucking selfish to be annoyed at him for being too sweet to you. As you sit there in your car internally berating yourself for lashing out at him this morning, your phone goes off. A text from Seokjin lights up your screen. You roll your eyes at how you're already annoyed. Why is he so good to you when you can be such a jerk to him?? How does he love you this much when you can be so temperamental?

'Y/N please come upstairs. I saw you park like 20 minutes ago. Let's just talk. I love you.'

You toss your phone into your bag and lean your head back against the headrest. This morning Jin had been nagging you to stay home from work since you'd been sick a few days ago and now had a bad headache that didn't seem to be getting any better. He turned off your alarm for you so you got up late, and when you were upset he tried to talk you out of working again today which of course made you mad, because you're a heartless soul that can't see his good intentions. He even made you soup and got you the tea you like and was ready to run to the store for headache medicine if you'd just take a sick day, but no. All of this was too much and it just felt like nagging, so you blew up at him.

"Seokjin! I need to go to work! I'm fine! Just leave it!" And with that you grabbed your bag and stormed out. He hadn't texted you all day which you knew was him just trying to give you space until you realized how this wasn't a big deal, but it didn't feel good. He's so wise for how old he is and he reads you like a book. He knows exactly what to say....and you know exactly how to ruin it. You trudge inside, hoping your sincere apology will be enough. You know he's not mad and you hope he's not hurt, but maybe it'll make you feel better if he actually does feel a little better after you do.

"Jinnie?" you say gently as you close the door and drop your bag. He comes around the corner from the kitchen and smiles softly, his eyes scrunching a little at the edges.

"How do you feel?" he asks as if nothing happened. Suddenly your guilt from this morning is bubbling to the surface. It's been eating away at you all day. He loves you so much and you love him the same, but why is it so hard to be as perfect to him as he is to you? Your tears well up in your eyes and your bottom lip quivers as you look at him. The concern in his face is immediate as he drops his hand towel on the counter and rushes over to you, closing the gap in a few strides of his long legs. He bends his knees a bit to get on your level and his gentle hands move to cup your flushed cheeks.

"Jagiya....what?" he asks, showing how worried he is.

"Jinnie I...I was so mean to you this morning! I should have stayed home! I should have listened to you. I didn't mean to yell at you! I felt horrible all day! You were right! I'm not good at controlling my temper and I know you were just being kind to me and wanted to help and-" you blurt, a big tear falling from your eye that he quickly swipes away with his thumb. You're stopped when he pulls you into his chest, mushing your face into his soft sweater. He just holds you like that for a minute until your breathing calms down. You pull back a little and look up at him.

"Jin, I'm sorry."

"I know, Y/N. I love you."

"I love you, too,"

He kisses you sweetly and you wrap your arms around his waist, feeling at ease.


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