Park Jimin

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You could feel Jimin's stare even though your eyes never left the screen of your laptop. Your dining room table suddenly felt much smaller with the weight of his gaze on you. He was distracted, to say the least, and it was rubbing off on you, clearly.

"Jimin.." you warned.

"Yes?" he counters, definitely trying to entice you to drop what you're trying to focus on and give him the attention he so desperately wants.

"Focus," you command, doing your best to remain serious as you reread the same email for the fourth time.

"I am.." he whines, smiling a smug grin that would make you blush if you were to meet his eyes.

"..on your work," you clarify.

He groans at your lack of interest, rolling his head back and leaning back on the creaky wooden chair. For a moment you think he's going to let you continue working, and the email you're composing seems promising once more. That is until he leans forward on the table, pushing his hair back with one hand. His movement in your peripherals is enough to cause you to look instinctively, and you immediately regret it when you feel that rush in your chest. He's gazing at you like you're a meal, his lips parted just enough to show his tongue as it runs along their narrow seam. You watch closely, feeling your face get warmer. He's caught you and the moment you realize it you're mad with yourself.

"You're such a fucking tease, Jimin," you huff, pulling your eyes away and taking a deep breath, knowing he's still trying to distract you as you open another draft.

"Oh come on, Y/N. Let' each other destress." You roll your eyes at him but the idea of a quick, haphazard hook up in the middle of the afternoon has got you practically spinning.

"I don't need to destress. I need to refocus," you say, doing your best to shake him. He grins, leaning his head on one hand.

"What.." you ask, coldly.

"Refocus? So you have been thinking about me?" he teases. You roll your eyes,reaching forward past your laptop for your earbuds with an annoyed groan, but he's already there, his hand coming to rest over your wrist as your fingers reach the thin cord. You freeze under his touch, his fingertips gently rubbing along the soft skin of your hand.

"I like that noise you made..." he says, his voice feathery and full of mischief. You're positive you're the color of a tomato and can't understand why he's so easily got you under his spell.

'Y-you're relentless," you say, your voice noticeably weaker as you push up from the table, making your way past him to the kitchen. His eyes are glued to you, running over your body as you turn into the next room. You grab a glass of water and turn to lean your back on the counter, chugging a few gulps and closing your eyes. You try your best to clear your head but you know from the soft creak of the hardwood floor that Jimin's followed you. You keep your eyes closed and your lips to the glass, your brow furrowing as you try desperately to keep your composure.

"Y/N..." he coos, his silky voice tickling at your dwindling will power. He's closer, too. The anticipation of feeling him nearer and nearer is eating away at you like you're actually his prey.

"What, you don't wanna look at me?" he whines, his tone thick with his intentions. You breathe out and open your eyes slowly, your gaze lifting slowly from his torn jeans, up his legs and chest to his face. He's cocked it slightly down and to the side to try and meet your nervous eyes, and the visual alone has your heart racing. He steps closer until he's close enough to pounce, but simply takes the glass from your hand and sets it down on the counter behind you. You watch as his motion brings his chest closer to yours, knowing full well that Jimin's watching every little reaction you can no longer seem to hide. He leans in, one hand on either side of the counter, your waist settled in the narrow space between them. He looks you up and down like this for a little before meeting your eyes again.

"Jimin..." you sigh, confident that any will power hanging onto your productive afternoon is now gone. He groans quietly and smirks; the sound of his name coming from your lips enough to encourage him on. He steps closer until his body is brushing just barely against yours.

"Is this ok?" he asks, smirking because he already knows your answer as he dips his head down past yours. You nod a little and fight to control your breathing as you feel his lips brush against your jaw and up the crest of your ear. His warm breath causes your sensitive skin to tingle, and you don't realize how you've leaned in bit by bit, pressing your body against his.

"Lemme help you focus.." he sighs, pressing his hips back against yours. You breath out cautiously, the feeling of his body against yours making you throb. His left hand cradles the small of your back, pressing gently to help guide your body against his. He presses slow kisses down your neck and slowly pushes his leg between yours. You bite your lip like you could somehow still hide how he's affecting you, drawing in shaky breaths and releasing quiet gasps. The confidence you had to brush him off before is gone, and you can't hide your soft moan as he leans in, pressing his thigh firmly up against your core. Your jeans have never felt more constrictive as you instinctively roll your hips against his leg, encouraged on by the gentle groan Jimin gives. His other hand moves to grip your hip, pulling you down and forward on his leg. He watches you fall into a rhythm against him, all semblance of your earlier intentions gone. You can feel his bulge against your hip as you work yourself against him, using him for your own pleasure.

"Does it feel good, Y/N?" he sighs, his hand sliding over your ass and moving with the motion of your hips. You nod, gripping his waist and teasing yourself further. It does feel good but you know you need more. You struggle with even the idea of asking him for more, looking up to meet his gaze. Your cheeks flush as you take in the sly smirk that's spreading across his face, his lips gently parted and his own breathing a little labored. Something tells you that you won't even need to ask.

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