Kim taehyung

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You trail behind him past the elevator doors, lead by his hand enlaced in yours. He leans against the corner of the little room and tugs you towards him. His hand leaves yours and joins his left hand, wrapping slowly around your hips. He loops his pointer fingers through your belt loops and wiggles your hips in front of him a little, making you smile and gently shove him. He smiles back and lets his hands slip behind you, laying on the top of the curve of your ass. He pulls you against him and goes in to kiss you, but you lean away just enough to make him hesitate. He frowns a little and tries again, huffing playfully under his breath when you do it again. You love teasing him.

"Y/N...whyyy.." he half whispers, half groans. You chuckle quietly, leaning in and indulging him. His lips are soft and warm against yours, quickly settling into the familiar rhythm you've come to know when you kiss him. You tend to lead him, dominating the kiss but never losing the gentle, playful energy you have with him. You pull away just a bit, watching his brow furrow and feeling his hands grip your hips possessively.

"That's the first time you've let me kiss you all day, jagi. Quit teasing," he says, his voice getting all low as he does his best to sound serious. He stands up from where he was leaning against the wall, tugging you against him as he looks down at you. You know he's serious but you know even more confidently that he likes it too much for you to stop.

"You don't like when I tease you?" you ask, looking him in the eyes, your hands resting on his chest. You rub your fingers softly over the smooth knit fabric of his designer sweater. He swallows hard for a moment but resolves to stand his ground...for now.

"No. I don't." There's a familiar glint in his eye, though. This isn't your first time playing this game together. You've come to learn that he likes being dominated, typically softly but once in a while he likes to explore his boundaries. This isn't anything out of the norm. And you know exactly what to do. You look at him a bit suspiciously, keying him into the little game you're playing. Your touch on his chest turns firm. You push him back against the wall, holding him there as you step closer, pressing up against him once more.

"So you don't want me to tease you? At all?" you ask, baiting him further. You watch his neck undulate as he swallows before answering. He shakes his head no but doesn't make any moves to stop you. You lean in and touch your lips to his, feeling him move lower to accommodate you. His legs spread a bit for you to stand between them, bringing his face down to your level. You kiss him softly, letting him get comfortable again before pulling back a fraction of an inch and letting him lean in after you. His lips chase yours like this a couple times, just barely being grazed by yours. You feel a shaky breath escape him and you smile, leaning in past his face to let your lips run gently against the curve of his ear.

"What's wrong, Tae? Still don't like it?" you whisper, feeling his chest rise and fall a bit faster after your temptations. His hands hungrily palm at your hips and ass, pulling you tight against his own hips.

"Please, Y/N.. I just want more.. Just let me- ahhhh..." His begging is cut off by the feeling of your teeth tugging at his earlobe, something that's always made him melt for you. Your tongue snakes out to tease against the soft skin of his ear and the spot just behind it, alternating with soft and languid kisses to little nips and bites. His head lolls to the side to give you room, submitting to your torment. His hands pull you tight against him, feeling his growing bulge rubbing against your body from within his tight jeans.

"Pleeeaasse, Y/N..." he whines. He doesn't even know what he's asking for anymore. He just wants more. Nothing gets him worked up more than when you take control. You snake your hands down his torso, taking your time to tease his sensitive spots here and there, relishing in the little huffs and quiet moans you draw from his lips. You reach back to your waist to where his hands are holding you, and take his wrists, pulling them off your body and pushing his hands back to the railing behind him. You pin them there, your own hands pressed against his.

"Good boy.." you whisper in his ear, bracing yourself when he rocks his hips against yours, hard. He whines a bit louder, loving the torment he's letting you put him through. He could easily push your hands off his and turn the tables on you, but he loves it too much to stop. Your lips drag hungrily down his neck, sucking little marks into his skin and lingering in the needy moans and whines he gives you.

"Tell me you want me to stop." He groans and rolls his hips against you, his grip on the railing tightening under your hands. You giggle softly as he struggles under you, waiting for him to respond. You lean back and give him a look, biting at your lip and raising an eyebrow inquisitively. He looks you in your eyes, his need so apparent on his face. He looks like he's practically about to cum and you know you have him right where you want him. He finally buckles,

"Don't stop, Y/N." You smile and lean in to kiss him, but pull away at the last second.

The elevator lurches to a stop at your floor.

He leans his head back against the wall with a thud, the frustration intoxicating. You just smile and laugh quietly, stepping back from him and tugging him by his wrist after you.

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