Kim namjoon

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"What the fuck?!" you yell, grabbing your shredded black nightie. Namjoon looks at you like your head just spun around.

"....sorry?" he tries, unsure of if you're being serious. You had just been getting freaky, all the good stuff leading up to some hot-as-fuck sex. He had brought you into the bedroom, told you to put something sexy on for him, and proceeded to spank you for choosing such a naughty little black lace thing. It was your favorite. He knew that. And then he tore it off you. And not like snapped the strap and pulled it off. He tore it up the middle. He ruined the expensive lace and the custom sizing you had done.

"Sorry?? Joon! That was my favorite piece of clothing, remember??" You were ready to sulk and accept an apology and hopefully his offer to buy you something to replace it, but sometimes Namjoon can be really thick.

"Jeez, calm down Y/N. It's just some lingerie," he snorts. And with that he's leaning in to continue where you left off. You pull back quickly and shoot him an incredulous look.

"You did not just tell me to calm down," you say coldly. He looks at you a little more seriously now. You get up and off the bed, moving to go grab your robe. Namjoon follows and grabs your wrist, trying to pull you back to him.

"Y/N I didn't remember it was your favorite, ok?"

You roll your eyes and try to pull your wrist away but he holds tight, a glimmer in his eyes.

"You're really pissed at me?" he taunts, smirking down at you. You begin to pick up what he's getting at.

"Yeah.." You punctuate your response with a shove on his chest, walking him back. "I am. Is that a problem?"

"Are you gonna do something about it?" he coos, his eyes full of a gleam of excitement from exploring a new side of you. He's always been the dominant one.

"Get on your knees," you say after a moment of looking him up and down, standing in front of you in just his tight briefs, leaving little to the imagination.

He drops to his knees in front of you and looks up at you, waiting for your next instruction. You close the gap between you and run a hand through his hair, waiting until he closes his eyes under your gentle touch to grab a tight grip of his hair and pull his head back. He winces but smiles that devilish grin up at you, and you can't help but smirk back. You lift your leg up to the edge of the bed and rest your foot there, spreading yourself for him.

"Well? Say you're sorry."

He smiles a lust filled grin and brings his full lips to your pussy, beginning his normal assault on your sensitive spots there. He's so creative with his tongue that you wonder if he's ever made you cum with the same technique down here twice. His hands slide up your legs and you almost let him until you remember that you're in charge here. You're the reward. And he's being punished. You slap his hands away and he pauses, pulling away to look at you like 'Wait, you're serious?' You reply by using the grip on his hair to pull his face back to your needy clit.

"I haven't forgiven you yet," you say coolly. He growls into your pussy, the frustration of the moment both amusing and alluring to you. It seems to be doing a number on him as well considering how hard he is. He continues his oral assault on your throbbing pussy, doing his best to show you just how sorry he is. He only puts his hands on you again when he's got you cumming hard and he feels your legs shake under you. He grabs your ass and holds you up until you've settled again. He pulls away and stands up in front of you as you flop down onto the bed, smiling. He wipes his glistening mouth and says,

"Now let me fuck you for being such a naughty girl to Daddy." You sit up and look him in the eye, unfazed.

"Joon you're being punished, remember? Not me." And with a smirk, you leave to take a quick shower before hopping into bed. The look of disappointment and shock on his face at you denying him is enough of an apology. Even if you know he'll be in the shower with you in about 5 seconds.

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