Kim Namjoon

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He pulls you into the elevator with him, pressing a button and not caring to wait until the doors close to continue his groping of you in his favorite dress you own. He had his hands all over you in the cab and now you can't seem to stop, but you didn't mind one bit. You were both kind of voyeurs; you, into dabbling in the excitement of it, him, really just being perpetually horny for you and not caring who gets caught in the crossfire.

The doors finally close and you begin moving, glad for a little moment of safety as you're positive Namjoon won't be slowing down any time soon. He kisses you, pulling your body tight against his as his lips part for your eager tongue. Your hands push between the two of you, searching for his belt and making quick work of it and the button on his pants.

"You really want Daddy to fuck you in the elevator, hm?" he says between kisses. You pull away just long enough to look him in the eye as you reach into the front of his briefs and grip his already hard cock, smiling coyly as he groans at your touch. You're pretty sure he's been hard since halfway through the cab ride, so he's not one to argue. He smirks down at you, kissing you quickly before pulling you out in front of him and pressing his own back against the wall, pulling you back towards him. You turn around and bend a little at the hips, reaching a hand out for the brass railing lining the elevator wall. He pushes your dress up in the back and hisses, bringing his palm down quickly on your exposed ass with a sharp spank. You jump a little but push back, grinding against him a little for more.

"You're so naughty for Daddy, not wearing any panties," he says, his voice a little labored as he glides his hard cock between your slick folds. You turn back a little to look at him.

"Fuck me, J-" you being, but you're cut off when he thrusts into you hard, pulling your hips tightly back against his and letting you squirm a little as you adjust to his thick cock. You breathe heavily and do what little you can to keep your voice down. Namjoon reaches forward and pulls you up by the arms so you're standing with your back arched and almost against him, his dick still buried tightly in you and your dress hanging down in front but exposing you behind. He holds you there and leans into your neck. He slowly pulls his cock out almost the whole way with a shift of his hips, leaving just the tip buried in your warm, wet pussy.

"Now ask Daddy nicely to f-" he begins, stopping as the elevator dings and the doors slide open. You're both shocked and unsure of what to do, especially when 6 people push their way into the elevator with you both. There's nothing else to do but to back up into him as the room fills, but unfortunately that means he's just filled you back up with his cock once more. Namjoon holds you tightly in place, thankful that you didn't pull away and leave him completely exposed and also that you happen to be in the corner and the crowd in the elevator seems to be mostly facing towards the door and away from you two. You fight to hold in the moan that would have naturally spilled out at his second thrust into you, heart racing at the predicament you've found yourself in.

The slow ride continues and while most of you is terrified of being caught, another part of you is excited at the idea and never thought you'd be brave enough to push your kink this far. You can't help it when your body reacts as well, your pussy twitching at the thought of anyone on this elevator investigating the couple in the corner. You hear Joon let out a strangled breath that you hope is muffled by the mundane elevator music that's been playing. It only continues to turn you on though, knowing that one more sound could be the end of it. His hands move down from their grip on your upper arms to a more natural position, clasped in front of you as if casually holding you in his arms. It would be a perfect way to go unnoticed if you didn't suddenly feel his hips shift back a bit, then forward, then back, and forward again.

'Oh fuck, no no no what the fuck-' you think to yourself, doing your best to keep quiet as he torments you, knowing exactly what you're really feeling in this current dilemma. Your hands slide up to grip his wrists, your knees weak now that he's fucking you again. He continues this slow and shallow fucking, his hard cock seemingly continually moving inside you but never more than an inch or so back and forth, just nudging at where he's bottomed out in you over and over. You don't know if you can take it anymore. The constant pressure of his cock filling you and pressing in deep over and over, his hips tight against yours and you unable to do anything about it, let alone moan or gasp or scream for more. He knows what he's doing and he wants to make you cum in this elevator, in front of everyone. The idea is enough to push you right to the edge.

Just then the door dings and slides open, allowing the crowded group to spill out. It's your floor, but thankfully Namjoon doesn't seem to want to leave just yet. He pauses, waiting until the doors close again. He leans into your neck, biting at your ear and kissing your skin, beaded with sweat from the intensity of the last few minutes. You breathe out heavily, moaning for him as his hips finally being thrusting into you as they should.

"Cum for me, Y/N."

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