Jeon jungkook

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making out, people come in, embarrassed and stop, he kisses neck and ear and feels you up while they're there. "Oops" in your ear. You try and nudge him to shush but just push your hips back into his and he groans

You hadn't been able to keep your hands off each other, and at this point you both found it pretty hard to care. But you kept some modicum of privacy to your actions, sneaking kisses and moments of touching when no one was around to see. Once you got to your building and were waiting for the elevator up to your floor, you could feel the anticipation building between you. You were praying the elevator would be empty, only spurred on by the feeling of Jungkook's hand slipping inside the back pocket of your jeans, tugging you close to his side and giving you a playful squeeze.

The doors open and you pull him inside the thankfully empty elevator with you, immediately backing yourself up against the back wall while he presses the button to your floor. He turns and finds you quickly, his firm body leaning into yours and pressing you flush against the wall. The gold railing lining the little room pushes your hips forward against him, and his arms slip behind the small of your back, hugging you tightly to him. You kiss him like this, your arms wrapped around his strong shoulders, hands hungrily gripping at the collar of his coat. His hands snake up to hold your face and you drop your arms to wrap around his waist. His soft lips press against yours, parting yours just enough to let his tongue dart teasingly at your lips. You sigh into the kiss, his fingers tracing down the back of your neck and tangling in your ponytail. He kisses down your neck, slowly and expertly. Your eyes flutter closed as he teases your exposed skin. You sink into the feeling, sighing and whining quietly until you're jolted out of the fog by the 'ding' of the elevator halting. You freeze and Jungkook quickly stands up straight again, shifting to the corner of the elevator next to you. He pulls you with him to stand in front of him as a group of laughing friends fills the empty space of the elevator. They look like they're heading out for the evening. You swallow your horror at being caught and say,

"We're going up." None of the new passengers seem sober enough to care about this fact, but you're horrified none the less. You relax as you realize no one caught you. Maybe no one cared enough to react, but it was still such a close call. They take their time getting in, holding the door once or twice for a friend straggling behind and coming down the hall to join them. Jungkook chuckles softly in the now somewhat noisy elevator. You shift against him and look up behind you. He shrugs and wraps his hands around your waist, pulling you tight against him.

"Oops," he whispers in your ear, joking about the unfortunate interruption

The elevator lurches into motion finally, making it's ascent the other halfway to your floor. You mourn the loss of the steamy moment you had with your man just a moment ago, and suddenly it's as if he's reading your mind. You feel Jungkook's hands slide to rub against your hips, squeezing firmly before moving to find a new spot to tease. His head dips forward and you feel the wash of his warm breath over the exposed skin of your neck and shoulder.

'Don't you dare..' you think to yourself, halted in your tracks when you feel he brush of his lips against you. What the fuck is he doing?? There are at least 10 other people in here with you! They don't seem to be paying much mind but still! You try to nudge him or shove him to stop, but your fidgeting in his hold on you only seems to spur him on. He shushes you quietly and the frustration of the moment has you practically buzzing.

"Jungkook..." you whisper, hoping he reads your warning in your tone.

"Yes?" he whispers back, his quiet words tickling against your sensitive skin. You can feel yourself getting worked up again. The idea of getting away with this while trapped in a crammed elevator is ridiculous, but none the less it's getting you back to where you were a moment ago.

"I'm going to fuck you when we get to your place. You know that, right?" His words shock you but you have no response. The only thing you could want to say right now is 'Keep going'. You simply nuzzle back against him, wondering if he's intent on carrying this out further in this noisy elevator.

"I'd fuck you right here if you'd let me. I don't think our friends would mind. Would you?" The notion has you flushing bright red. His teeth graze your ear and you shiver against him. He chuckles quietly.

"Are you wet, Y/N?" he asks. It's enough to make you push your ass back against him, his hungry hands holding you tightly against him. You feel his cock hard against you, concealed only by the clothes between you. The elevator dings at your stop, jolting you from your intimate moment.

"Excuse us," he says a little loudly before taking your hand and pulling you with him from the crowded elevator and to your apartment.

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