Min yoongi

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"Yoongi I have an appointment at 1:30, I don't think I'll have enough time to

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"Yoongi I have an appointment at 1:30, I don't think I'll have enough time to...come see you," you said while gathering up your coat and sunglasses. You and he knew fully well what would most likely happen if you went to "visit" him at the studio while he worked. And you didn't feel like going to a hair appointment looking like you had been recently bent over and fucked on Yoongi's desk.

"Y/N please? I just want to see you.." he cooed into the phone, knowing how much you loved when he was sweet like this. But you knew he was just manipulating you, and that he was just horny and hit a writers block. You got a wicked idea in your head and sighed.

"....fine. I'll be there in 15." You hang up after saying a quick goodbye and head out the door.

Once inside his studio he greets you before you even have time to take your jacket off. His arms slip around your hips and he's got you pulled against him into a hug. But the hug isn't innocent for long, as your suspicions prove true and you feel his hardening bulge through his black jeans. You smirk, deciding to go through with your little plan now knowing his sweet talk had a hidden agenda.

"You need a little break?" you say sweetly, leaning back from his hold on you.

"Yeah...and I was thinking-" he begins but you cut him off, putting two fingers to his lips and smiling. He looks a bit confused as you aren't the dominating type, but smiles as you gently push him down into a chair against the wall. You follow and lean forward, kissing him deeply, and slowly getting onto your knees in front of him. You break the kiss and say,

"I only have about 20 minutes before I have to leave, so..." and slowly pull the zipper down on his pants, unbuttoning his jeans swiftly with a flick of your thumb. Yoongi looks at you a bit dumbstruck.

"Jagi..you don't have to.. I mean..." but he's stopped by the feeling of your hot breath on his barely clothed bulge, separated from your lips only by the thin fabric of his briefs. You giggle as he sighs and leans his head back to the wall. Kissing gently up his length and taking the edge of his briefs between your teeth, you look up at him as you pull down and expose his hard cock. His eyes widen and he gets visibly harder at your wanton display.

"Fuck, Y/N.." he sighs. You let your lips glide up the length of his cock, and gently kiss his swollen head, already dripping precum for you. His hips push forward as you linger close to taking him into your mouth, but never fully there.

"If this is what you wanted baby, you could have just said that over the phone," you tease, waiting for him to respond.

"Well...Yeah b-but- oooooh.." he groans, cutting himself off as you lick firmly up his dick, swirling your tongue around him and lingering on the sensitive spot just behind the head.

"But what?" you tease, going back to running your lips up and down his length as he tries to answer.

"I-I....I didn't th-think... oh, fuck kitten.." he moans, pushing his hips up a little. You let him push into your mouth and bob up and down on him a few times. Your mouth suctions onto him and your tongue rolls over and over as you pick up your pace. He breathes heavier and a bit faster as you work him, but as soon as you feel his hand winding into your hair to control your pace, you pull away, leaning back on your legs.

"Jagi...come on.." he whines, reaching out for you.

"Sorry, Yoongs. You can't mess up my hair before this appointment." He looks at you, possibly understanding what you're doing, but doesn't say anything as you lean back in and lick him from base to head.

"Be a good boy and don't touch." His eyes widen at your directions, never one to be submissive but finding himself in a difficult spot. Specifically with your lips pushing over his swollen cock again. When he moans out you pull away again briefly.

"Oh.." you say, looking at your watch. "...and I only have 2 minutes left so...better hurry." He opens his mouth to protest but you go back to tormenting him with your mouth, bringing him closer to the edge and then backing off with gentle kisses, making sure he's not tipping over just yet. Two minutes pass and you stand up. Straightening your jacket and looking down at his awestruck face, full of frustration.

"I've gotta go, baby. Guess we'll have to finish this later when you've got more time for me." You lean down and kiss him, running your fingers up his throbbing cock one last time and savoring his muffled moan before waltzing out the door.

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