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I spent the last few minutes deciding whether it was better if she heard me or not. After of course I yelled and screamed and banged on the walls for hours. Now I sit in the corner. My voice is raw now and I can't let out a squeak. No ones come to get me and I need to do something. I need to see Clarke. Now.

"Hello, Bellamy. I've been looking forward to this talk." I hadn't noticed brown eyes had walked in. I looked up to face him. He had an enormous smile that made me want to puke. I would but the lack of food prevented it.

"How can you be so happy after what you just did." It comes out like gravel. I sound so weak I cringe at my own voice. "Things like that should make even the sickest man feel at least a little guilty."

"Trust me, Princess is-"

"Don't call her that."

"I'm sorry. She just likes it so much."

"Cage you stay away from her"

"President Cage now."

"I don't care if you're the messiah. Leave her alone."

"Anna, can't stay away from me."


"Yes, she's a new girl she needs a new name. She needs it for her new life. Also Clarke didn't fit her at all. Anna is much more delicate. It fits her well."

"Her name is Clarke! She'll kill you you know. And if not her then me. I know Clarke, and she doesn't like any of this."

"Anna is very different than you thought. It turns out you know nothing about her. Who are you to judge who she is. Her 'best friend'. I know Anna and she wouldn't even come near someone like you. You would scare her."

"You know nothing about Clarke or me."

"I know you're not a grounder, you actually lived in space your whole life. You volunteered to be a spy. Oh and you were sent down here because you shot the man in charge up there." He points to the sky.

"How did yo-" I tense and pick myself up from the floor.

"I know you have a sister that you care about more than life it's self. Until lately you've thought you and Clar- Anna where getting closer until she lost someone and sent you in here without a second thought. I know you worry about her. I know you're a bad man. One who's done bad things for bad people and I know that you protecting her will only hurt her." he was in my face now. He leaned up to my ear and whispered.

"Clarke is mine now. Ok spaceman. Not yours not ever. She loves me. She always will. I coded it into her brain." I'm paralyzed knowing there's nothing I can do but sit and listen while he sends chills through me. I can't help Clarke. I can't help anyone. "I get to have Clarke. I get to hold Clarke. I get to touch Clarke." That's it! I grab him by the neck and push him to the ground. 

"You son of a bitch. I swear if you touch her you perv-"

I wake up in the corner I started in. Feeling helpless. Damn guards. All I can think about is his hands on Clarke. The princess is in trouble and there's nothing I can do about it.

In Your Eyes~~~The 100 Bellarke FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now