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Amara's POV:

Akuma hadn't been gone for very long but it felt like she'd been gone forever. I haven't really done anything other than sit around. It felt as if there was a hole in my chest, a longing for my best friend. If I did the usual things we would do together, I'd feel lonely and start to cry again. Sometimes, I would do something to make her laugh, but when I look over, she's never there. I've started to talk to her in my head. I'll picture her, and have a conversation with the voice that's been saved in my head for so long. It's probably not healthy, but I can't help it. It'd been like this nice she left. Dad was concerned. He came into my room everyday bringing me some sort of baked good in an attempt to cheer me up, ultimately, it failed every time. Nothing felt the same anymore.

"We're moving," my dad blurted as we ate dinner. I dropped my chopsticks, slowly lifting my head up at him. His face showed clear as day that he regretted the way he told me.


"We're moving to Miyagi to be closer to some relatives, I thought we could use some familiar faces."

"So, you're saying we're going to be even farther from Akuma?" he sweat dropped.

"Well, yes, but you both can always visit each other!"

"When are we leaving?"

"A couple weeks," silence filled the room after that. It felt as if I hit rock bottom, at first I was just losing Akuma, now I'm going somewhere where I won't know anyone. How was I supposed to go to a completely new place without Akuma? Akuma always brought ease when I was with her, besides, I would have to deal with annoying girls by myself, which was not as enjoyable as mocking others with her.

Akuma had the same reaction as I once I told her. For the next few weeks, she virtually helped me pack, and decided how I would decorate my new room until I actually left. On the day of departure, I had no one to say goodbye to, so it was easy to board the plane. Eventually we arrived in Miyagi. After a way too long car ride, we pulled into our driveway. It was a typical house, nothing special about it really. The inside was bigger than our old house, which meant my room was bigger, not that I minded. I immediately called Akuma after unpacking with Dad.

"Hey Riko," I greeted once she answered my call.

"Hey Ma-ma!" I could hear the static on the other end.

"Are you excited for school tomorrow?"

"Kind of, not excited to have to deal with losers and not have you there to complain to, what about you?" I laughed at her remark, a nostalgic smile falling on my face. Unfortunately, I had to attend school the day after my flight so there was a huge possibility I would be falling asleep in class.

"I'm nervous, I just hope the girls are better than last year," she hummed in agreement.

"Oh! I'm visiting in a couple weeks!"

"Really!? Yes, yes, yes, yes!" I jumped up excitedly, I could practically hear her rolling her eyes. The life in my eyes died once I spotted my backpack on my floor. I groaned, grabbing my supplies tomorrow before plopping beside my bag.

"What's wrong?" Akuma questioned from the other line.

"I haven't packed my bag for school yet- HURRY UP AND GET IN!" I screamed at my notebook.

"That's what she said."

"Oh shut up Na-na."

It was officially the first day of school. The morning brought brightskies, and a nice breeze, but a sour me. I trudged through my morning routine, which consisted of cracking my bones, throwing on my uniform, partaking in hygienic stuff before running out of the door. I was now walking towards Karasuno High. I popped my earbuds in before clicking on my indie playlist, which was really just a copy of Akuma's but whatever. The walk wasn't as comforting without Akuma. After the peaceful 15 minute trek, my view of the pavement was replaced with a white tiled floor. Everything was going smoothly, until I couldn't find my class. I swear I had walked around the building 800 times. I sighed in defeat before walking back to the office so someone could show me. This isn't embarrassing at all! After getting pity looks from some of the office ladies, I was escorted to my class.

"Thank you!" I told the lady, assuming she would drop me off at the door.

"You're welcome! Here, I'll go in with you so the teacher understands why you're late!"

"Oh! No, that's okay-" I was interrupted by her sliding open the door, proudly marching in. Shit.

"Hello Mr. Tabashi! I found one of your students!" Like the coward I am, I was hiding behind the wall, silently hoping Akuma would walk through the school doors and make this bearable. Low and beyond, she didn't. Stupid Mr. Akuma.

"Come here!" the lady exclaimed, pulling me inside, "this is Amara Mazoku, she couldn't find your class, as this is her first year here."

"Hello there Amara! What school did you come from?"

"Nekoma," I stated boredly.

"Oh! What made you move here?" Can I just sit down please?

"I hated everyone there, and the only tolerable person there moved," I think my bluntness scared him a little. Haha.

"Oh.. Well I hope you have an enjoyable time here! You can go sit behind Yamura," I silently prayed to the gods as I finally sat down. I noticed the majority of the class was male. Ignoring the teacher blabbing about the course schedule, I decided to text Akuma. 'Come back Bum-chan, too many dicks in here.'

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