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Amara's POV:

"Now, onto partner passing!" I groaned as I looked around, realizing I wouldn't have a partner. Everyone quickly partnered up, obviously already knowing others here. I crouched down, sitting on the colourful volleyball I had while he explained how partner passing would go. We would basically have to pass the ball to our partner and they would have to return it back to us and so forth. Pretty easy. Once he finished his explanation, everyone went their separate ways, already commencing in the assigned activity. I searched the room looking for someone to pair up with but could see no one.

"Do you not have a partner, Amara?" Mr. Akiba asked me. I shook my head, silently hoping he wouldn't decide to be my partner.

"Akuma, you don't have a partner, I take it?" He yelled out to the lone girl. She was silently glaring at the pairs around her. She whipped her head towards us, her demeanor turning icy once her eyes landed on me.

"No, but I'm perfectly fine practicing by myself!" She called out.

"No, no, no! Come on, you guys were running partners, and now you can be passing partners! This is great!" We both shot daggers at the man.

"Alright, girls, no need to look so happy!" He looked between the two of us who were not giving in to his antics.

"Well, I'll leave you to it!" Is this man stupid? It's not hard to figure out we don't like each other. Sigh.

"I guess we're partners," she stated, walking over to me.

"I guess we are," I tossed the ball up, easily passing it to her.

"Try to keep up, Bum-chan," I smirked. After 15 minutes after us consistently practicing. I could feel the beads of sweat rolling down my face, matching the sweat on Bum-chan's face. I quickly realized in this exercise that she was really good. Her technique and her reflexes were better than anyone I've seen at this age. This was the first time I'd ever had to work so hard against someone.

"Good job ladies, you guys seem to work really well together..." He trailed off, glancing down at his clipboard.

"I think I'm going to keep you guys together for tryouts, and if you make the team, I think you guys will be a powerful duo," he beamed before walking away.

"Alright everyone! I want everyone to find their fellow setters, blockers, or whatever position you're trying out for," Mr. Akiba announced loudly. In a split second chaos overtook the gym. Everyone was scrambling around. Eventually, Bum-chan and I split up and found our separate groups.

"I'll split you up into even teams," he walked around, splitting us up as he went. To my dismay, I was once again with Bum-chan.

"I guess he was serious about keeping us together," Bum-chan grumbled.

"Okay, we'll have the setters set to the hitters first and one you guys get a few good attacks in, we'll have the blockers start blocking," after we had gotten enough decent attacks, the blockers came onto the court, which meant Bum-chan took up middle blocker. Despite absolutely hating each other off court, we actually worked really well together on court. It's like all our differences were put aside for the sake of volleyball. Maybe this could work. 

Heads or Tails? (OC x SUNA RINTAROU) (OC x KAGEYAMA TOBIO)Where stories live. Discover now