i'm tired

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Amara's POV:

"What do you want for dinner?" Kageyama and I were standing in my kitchen now, papa went out for a last minute work meeting so we had the house to ourselves.

"Actually you don't get to pick, I already have something in mind and you're gonna love it!" I exclaimed, reaching into my pantry.

"What is it?" Tobio was sitting at the island, watching me move around.

"Tonkatsu," my favorite fucking meal ever.

"Tonkatstew?" I burst out laughing, doubling over onto the counter.

"Oh PLEASE tell me you did not just say Tonkatstew!"

"Oi, shut up!"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" I laughed, wiping my tears, "Here, you can make the sauce," I whipped out my fathers cookbook. He wasn't a chef in any way, shape or form but he loved to try, which I admired. The bright 'Tonkatsu!! Mazo's favorite!' was written in blue sharpie at the top of the page.

"Mazo's favorite?" he questioned.

"Yup! And it'll be your favourite after you try it!"

"We'll see about that," I turned to him, almost daring him to say that again.

"Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe it is."

"Okay, if you love my Tonkatsu, you have to build a fort with me tonight!" I lit up, excitement already coating my bones. He rolled his eyes playfully at my childness.

"Fine, but if I don't, you have to buy me strawberry milk."

"That's lame, but okay!"

"It is not!"

I was frying the chicken now, carefully dipping them into the hot oil, praying the oil wouldn't splatter on me.

"Are you almost done?" I asked Kageyama who was still measuring out ingredients for the sauce.

"What's woirshersher sauce?"

"You mean worcestershire sauce?" I laughed, looking around his arm to the cookbook.

"Two teaspoons," I handed him the brown bottle, laughing silently at his determination to get the measurement perfect.

"Okay, I'm done," he stepped back from the bowl, admiring his beauty.

"Perfect, put it in that pan and heat it up," he complied, following my instructions to the tee. Luckily, both the pork, sauce and rice finished pretty much at the same time so I was able to plate everything easily. I portioned the rice out before placing a few of the cutlets on top. I then layered the sauce over everything.

"Why are you staring at me?" I could feel this man's eyes staring at me, I didn't even have to look. He came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You're just perfect," he mumbled into my neck. I could feel the vibration of his voice against my skin. I froze for a moment before collecting myself.

"You're just saying that cause I'm making you food," I whispered, leaning back into his arms.

"Thank you," he left gentle kisses on my neck, all the way up to my jaw.

"Come on, I wanna see your reaction when you love Tonkatsu," we sat at my dining room table, our plates sitting in front of us.

"Stop staring at me."

"I wanna see your reaction!"

"It's creepy!"

"You're creepy!" He rolled his eyes before taking a bite. I watched eagerly as his eyes lit up. Let's just say he pretty much scarfed the rest down.

"Was I right, or was I right?" I smirked, putting our dishes in the dishwasher.

"Whatever, let's make your stupid fort."

"WAIT!" he was startled by my scream, stumbling a bit as we walked up the stairs.


"We should make it on my trampoline!" I ran past him, springing into my bedroom, grabbing every blanket in my sight. Kageyama did the same, grabbing pillows and twice the amount of blankets, seeing as his arms were bigger. We spent the next 45 minutes, structuring the fort perfectly. Blankets were scattered along the base, and tied up around it so it was more private. Pillows were thrown around along with my stuffed animals. Kageyama was in the middle of it, lying on his back with one arm behind his head. I joined him, settling on his left.

"Too far," he groaned, pulling me onto him. My head was resting on his chest along with my hands as he rubbed my back comfortably. We stared up at the sky, it was a deep blue, littered with sparkling stars.

"Say you want to kiss me in english again," fuck he remembers that?


"Do it."

"I want to kiss you," he closed his eyes contently, listening to me.

"Say more in english,"

"Whyyyy?" I whined, looking up at the boy.

"Your voice," he paused, "It's soothing."

"I appreciate you," I said in english once again.

"Your eyes look like space."

"I'm so fucking thankful for you," He hummed, peacefully. I swear he listened to me say random phrases for hours with soft music playing in the back. 

Heads or Tails? (OC x SUNA RINTAROU) (OC x KAGEYAMA TOBIO)Where stories live. Discover now