putting responsibilities to the side

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Akuma's POV:

'Incoming call: Suna.'

OH FUCK. I drew my hoodie down, and quickly slipped my hair into a hair clip. I looked damn near homeless with my hoodie up and the strings tightened. It was not a cute sight. Once I approved my worn-down look, I set my phone up on the desk and swiped to answer the call. His face appeared on the screen right after.

"Hey, Suna."

"Hey, Akuma," ohmyfuckinggosh. This dude was on his bed, laying on his stomach, with his arm laying on the bed, and his head resting on top, slightly leaning to the side. Shittt. Who knew this guy looked so damn fine at like 9 pm.

"Wanna play Minecraft?" He questioned out of the blue, his tiredness seeping through his voice. Fuck. His voice makes me feel thingssss.

"How'd you know I play Minecraft?" I wondered, accusations looping through my voice. I stood up off of my bed, and sat down on my chair, opening my laptop. I set my phone up on the cactus plant I owned and opened up Minecraft.

"Osamu told me," he explained, now getting up and sitting down at his desk.

"Damn, do you guys talk about me all the time?"

"The twins do."

"Of course they do," I sighed, placing my chin on my palm, "let's play block party," I suggested. Keeping my eyes on the screen.


"Why not?" I pleaded, "it's my favourite."

"Because I suck absolute ass."

"Well I can just beat you and you can go cry about it."

"I already lost to you today at practice, I'm not losing again," he declared.

"Oh, is that a challenge, Suna?"

"Yep," he confirmed, "I challenge you to Bed Wars."

"Challenge accepted," and the challenge was set. We decided the first one to win a game of Bed Wars would be the winner. Little does Suna know, I kick ass at every damn Minecraft game. I grinded through everything with Amara, and we were veterans in everything. After a grueling 2 hours, filled with laughter, teasing, and straight-up crying. I prevailed, finally winning the Bed Wars game.

"That only took 4 fucking years," I complained, checking the time. 11:46pm. Oh shit. That went by so fast.

"Why are you so good at everything?" Suna whined.

"I'm not good at everything, you just suck at everything."

"Excuse me?"

"Did I stutter?" 

No response.

"Do you wanna play Sky Wars?" He requested, "but as a duo?"

"YES!" I squealed. Sky Wars Duos is also my favourite. Well, they're all my favourite. He just nodded and explained the plan. We got into the game, and we began making our way to the center. I was building a bridge, and Suna was following behind me, making sure there were no players trying to shoot us.

"Are we there yet?" Suna whispered, he was leaning intently towards the screen, peering around, watching for archers.

"No," I paused, "just keep guarding-" I was cut off by the abrupt hit of an arrow to my character, and I fell down to my death.

'You Died!'

"Where'd you go?" Suna wondered. I spawned back in, but I was spectating now, and I flew down to where Suna was. He was just on the bridge, crouching, his character spinning around in panic. He looked like a lost child. I burst out laughing at the sight, trying to keep it quiet since it was so late.

"You had one job, Suna," I cackled out.

"You got hit?"

"Yes! I got hit!" I uttered out, chuckling between my words, whilst scolding the high school student on the other end of the phone.

"Oh shit," he muttered, realizing his situation. If I had just gotten hit, that means they were probably aiming for him right now. I cried out in laughter again, watching Suna panic as he ran down the bridge back to our island.

"Oh man, it's game," I murmured, wiping my tears from the laughter.

"Watch me win this," Suna challenged, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration.

"Uh-huh," I hummed in response. Suna was cowering in the cave, sword out, prepared to fight anyone who dared to come down into his territory.

"If I win this, you owe me jelly sticks," Suna placed his bet.

"If you lose, you owe me dangos."

"Deal," for the next 3 minutes, nothing happened. No one came, I checked the scoreboard on the side. There were two teams, and 3 people left. That would mean it's Suna against 2 other people. They were probably looking for him right now. Suna just waiting there in the cave was a death wish, if he stayed there, they would find him, and they would kill him. Which would make him lose.

"What are you doing? Move!" I advised him. My spectating ghost was at the top of the cave, watching to see if anyone came. If that moment came, I would warn Suna, giving him time to prepare. He gave me no response and just stayed in his position. A new message in the chat caught my eye.

'ScareBoy6 fell into the void.'

So they just... Fell off? Why? How? I looked at Suna on the phone, and his face flashed with hope, what was he thinking?

"Don't tell me you're hoping for the other guy to fall off," I pestered him. He just shrugged. Another message popped up on the screen.

'Body420 fell into the void.'

'Volleyballgod038 and toxiceagle44 won the game!'

"HOW DID YOU WIN THAT?" I queried, looking at Suna on the screen.

"I'll be honest, I don't know," he responded.

"Fuck, now I owe you jelly sticks," I complained, rubbing the bridge of my nose in annoyance. Suna flashed a bright smile at my words, delighted with the fact that he would be getting free jelly sticks tomorrow, the joy reached his eyes, and his dimples appeared on his cheeks, my eyes broadened at the sight of his facial expressions lighting up.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Suna caught me red-handed, still smiling, but now he was looking straight at me, oh shit.

"You have a nice smile, Suna," I confessed, my voice quieting down to just a whisper.

"Shut up," the smile evaporated from his face, and I pouted in dismay. I reviewed the time once more. 1:28 am.

"Roblox?" I offered. Suna shook his head in response.

"You're gonna be exhausted again, you gotta sleep, y'know," he scolded.

"It's already so late! My sleep schedule is messed up anyway."

"No, go to sleep," Suna criticized, he shut his laptop and scooped the phone up in his hands. Suna flopped down on his bed, and now he was looking at the screen.

"Fine," I submitted, shutting my laptop. I snatched my phone and fell back on my bed. I leaned over to plug it in to charge.

"Night, Suna,"

"Goodnight, Akuma." 

Heads or Tails? (OC x SUNA RINTAROU) (OC x KAGEYAMA TOBIO)Where stories live. Discover now